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Monsanto pleads guilty - Printable Version

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Monsanto pleads guilty - kalianna - 12-10-2021

A company you can trust: 

"Monsanto admitted it committed 30 misdemeanors connected to the use of a glufosinate ammonium-based product sold under the brand name Forfeit 280. After using the product in 2020 on corn fields on O‘ahu, Monsanto allowed workers to enter the fields during a six-day “restricted-entry interval” after the product was applied.  The plea agreement calls for Monsanto to serve three years of probation, pay a total of $12 million and continue for another three years a comprehensive environmental compliance program that includes a third-party auditor."


Iʻm wondering what it means for a company to be on probation.  No spraying after midnight?  

Please note: This thread is not about glyphosphate.  Weʻve already been there, done that. 

RE: Monsanto pleads guilty - kander - 12-10-2021

(12-10-2021, 05:10 AM)kalianna Wrote: Iʻm wondering what it means for a company to be on probation.  No spraying after midnight?  
Absolutely nothing. Its just part of doing business. This is the advantage of having a corporation, the people who really make the decisions run with impunity.

RE: Monsanto pleads guilty - Olohana 1790 - 12-10-2021

Oahu non-news.... pfft

RE: Monsanto pleads guilty - Ho'oponopono - 12-10-2021

Monsanto appears to be a nasty little piece of work

RE: Monsanto pleads guilty - eightfingers2.0 - 12-11-2021

(12-10-2021, 10:59 PM)Ho\oponopono Wrote: Monsanto appears to be a nasty little piece of work

It’s not exactly “little”. 

The fine they paid is nothing to them.

RE: Monsanto pleads guilty - Chas - 12-11-2021

What's the problem here? They said they "sincerely regret it", and I truly believe them when they said "this was contrary to the values and policies of the company"

Isn't that enough?