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shipping camera via barge - Printable Version

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shipping camera via barge - kalianna - 06-20-2022

I am ready to buy a Canon video camera but I just found out that they can't ship the camera via air because of an internal remote battery.  Canon said I need to ship via barge.  Has anyone done something similar or can anyone recommend the best way to do this?  Any idea how long it might take to get here?  Young Bros?  Matson?  Any help is appreciated.

RE: shipping camera via barge - Rob Tucker - 06-20-2022

Where is it shipping from?

RE: shipping camera via barge - kalianna - 06-20-2022

Would have been NY but after searching around I discovered that I could buy it directly through Amazon. Some dealers would ship, others wouldn't. Go figure. But I'm all set now. Thanks, Rob for your response.

RE: shipping camera via barge - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 06-21-2022

It can’t ship USPS on passenger planes, but if someone sends UPS or FedEx it’s not a problem on cargo planes.

RE: shipping camera via barge - kalianna - 06-21-2022

Both the company that wouldn't ship and the one that would were using UPS. I keep waiting for an email that says, "Oh sorry, we can't ship it after all" but it hasn't come and package seems to be on its way.

RE: shipping camera via barge - kalakoa - 06-21-2022

"No can because batteries" is probably code for "don't want to deal with Hawaii". Happens all the time.

RE: shipping camera via barge - Deckman - 06-21-2022

Whenever Amazon says "Will not ship to Hawaii" I go to Walmart.com and order the same item (with Batteries). They usually will ship and typically through USPS. Doesn't make sense... but what does on this island.

RE: shipping camera via barge - kalianna - 06-21-2022

Thank you, Deckman!  I had to order from three different vendors to get everything I needed: one from Amazon, one from private vendor and of course batteries were the most difficult.  It would never have occurred to me to check Walmart since these are very specialized large batteries, but having exhausted all other options I checked it out and sure enough, they had them and they ship to Hi no problem.  Thank you all for your input.  And just an aside, if you have an expensive camera, keep it in a dry box. Lesson learned.  'Twas mold that killed the beast.


RE: shipping camera via barge - kalakoa - 06-22-2022

The best dry box is a Pelican case + desiccant packs (from Amazon, of course).

RE: shipping camera via barge - kalianna - 06-22-2022

I once had some long-unused equipment destroyed by foam in a Haliburton case. I opened the case and the foam had turned to jelly and wrapped itself all over and through the equipment. Not sure if the desiccant packs would prevent this but I don't want to find out.