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New cell tower in Kalapana - Printable Version

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New cell tower in Kalapana - Greg - 06-16-2008

As part of the county's efforts to cut costs at the lava viewing site, they've gotten Verizon to put up a "temporary" cell tower in the area. With cell coverage at the site, they won't have to have a medic/ambulance there on standby.

The tower is supposed to provide coverage for both Verizon and At&T customers.

Today in Black Sands Subdivision, a Verizon phone is getting one bar and working, but our cingular/At&T phone still shows "no service". I hope this is remedied soon. I can't wait to call myself.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Guest - 06-16-2008


And to think Cell Phone companies usually rent the property from people/owners/tenants/etc. to install Cell Phone Towers on their Properties!

Only In Hawaii, do we actually have to Pay them [Wink]

And what about us T-Mobile users.... Can you hear me now[Sad!]

So if a T-Mobile user now gets injured down there and they can't get help... is the county now going to be held liable because they don't have the medic/ambulance around?

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Greg - 06-16-2008

The county's not paying Verizon. They just asked/allowed them to put up a tower. I understood that it would work for other carriers than Verizon, but so far that's not the case.

The county spent about $400-$800 a day(my estimate) keeping an ambulance and medic/driver on site. They sit doing nothing 95% of the time. The lava viewing staff now can call them when they are needed, saving money.

The County is looking into other ways to save money at the lava viewing site. Entrance fees, county concessions, payed, guided tours to commercial companies and other options are being considered.

Their goal is to keep the site open and safe, limit liability, and cut expenses.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Guest - 06-16-2008

Thanks for the clarification.

From what I've read in the past, cell phone companies are very eager to stick their towers up anywhere and everywhere.

Glad to see that it looks like they may actually be doing some charitable work.

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Andrew - 06-16-2008


I just got a new cell phone and signed up for the first time with T-Mobile and it was my understanding from the girl that sold me the service that T-Mobile uses AT&T cell coverage as well as their own.


Originally posted by Damon

And what about us T-Mobile users....

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Guest - 06-16-2008

Thanks for the info Andrew...

Will try it out the next time I'm down there.

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - robguz - 06-18-2008

Well it wasn't working today for AT&T. I would love it to work, but it is at such a low point it probably won't do much good for most of us down here. I barely get a signal at my house. Maybe someday.

RE: New cell tower in Kalapana - Guest - 06-22-2008

KGMB just reported that it's called a COW (Cellular On Wheels).

It also stated that only VERIZON customers can use it because it was provided by Verizon.

It is the way... the way it is.