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The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - Printable Version

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The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - Punatang - 07-10-2024

This intent for this thread is to be the opposite of The Bicker Board.  I wanted to ask if anyone has seen Terracore and I had no idea where to post it.  So, this is a thread where you can tell a random story you may have told before.  Ask about a friend.  Buy someone a virtual beverage.  Blow off a little steam.  Share a new Haiku you wrote.  Post pictures of your cat or something you grew.  That kind of thing.  You can even show caring and concern for others.  It's a place to show your Aloha.

Has anyone seen Terracore?

First round is on me!

Punatang  Heart

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - HiloJulie - 07-10-2024

Oh oh terracore
Where for art thou terracore
Please talk terracore

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-10-2024

ask if anyone has seen Terracore

I thought July was your month to monitor the AirTag we put in the sole of his shoe??
The last known location I have for him was a bland Asian food truck. But that was quite a few lunches ago.  I hope he’s not hungry.

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - randomq - 07-10-2024

We should have a real meet up. Makuu market? Puna kai? What's everyone up to this weekend?

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - Punatang - 07-10-2024

HJ that is  lovely haiku ty for sharing.

Edge - LOL no one told me!  I just noticed that his last-ish post was about depopulation and then he depopulated!  TC where r u?????

Random - Lady Tang and I may just check out the Puna Revitalization thing Sat. thanks to punikahakaiferret.  How about you?  

This should maybe be another thread but has anyone noticed "The Veli"?  It's in the two old stores that were below the Pahoa Village Hostel across from Nings.  They made it one space and I guess it will be an all veg venue.  Hopefully they have great merch and we see less of the "eat more veg'aina" hats.  I totally get it but Sunday at Maku'u I saw a pre-pubescent tween wearing one and call me old fashioned but it gave me pause.  Anyway, we wish The Veli great fortune.  They are hiring for $17/hr plus tips plus a meal.  That's a lot of salad!


RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - punikahakaiferret - 07-10-2024

Loving all the creative haiku from everyone! Keep it up!

Hope to get some free plants (and food) at the RP event...got a strawberry plant last year that is doing great and have shared runners with neighbors.

I'm interested in The Veli but find most restaurants in the area to be beyond a poor ferret's budget, but luckily both me and mine are pretty darned handy in the kitchen and stretch our food dollars wisely.

I, too, find that new "slogan" to be flat-out vulgar. To see it on young people shows a marked lack of parenting.

Fuddy-duddies of the world unite!

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - Punatang - 07-10-2024

Amen Sister.

Refined words bloom bright
Civility's gentle breeze
Vulgar no pono

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - leilanidude - 07-15-2024

Terracore's wife posts very rarely here. I can't recall her username at the moment though.

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - HiloJulie - 07-15-2024

According to the “Member List”, terracore logged in yesterday!

RE: The PunaWeb Bar and Grill - Punatang - 07-15-2024

terracore logged in yesterday!

Well that is a huge relief.  He probably hopped on one of his donkeys with 10 gallons of water, a laptop, a hotspot, his fancy battery, and some duct tape, and headed off into the Waikoloa scrub-land desert for 40 days.