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VOG filter for cheap - Printable Version

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VOG filter for cheap - Guest - 07-17-2008

I invented a cheap way to filter VOG.

get a 20 inch window fan ,a couple bags of 4o (0000) steel wool and a cheap fiber glass 20X20" filter.

you can un roll the steel wool into thin 4 inch wide strips and staple or pin them to the filter.
cover it 100%. Now just tape than filter to the back side of the 20" fan and run on med or low.

The raw steel should readily capture the sulphur dioxide. If the steel turn dark over time then it is working.
Total cost for all this crap at Wal-Mart is less than 30 bucks.

Breathing easy, priceless!

I have never made one of this but I wish y’all would try it and report your findings.
I just invent stuff like this all the time.