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Wild pigs and our pets - Printable Version

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Wild pigs and our pets - StillHope - 09-15-2008

I am sure there was the similar thread.But since the search is still down,I "still hope" to get an answer.
Recently on the forum I've read about bad experience some dog owners had with wild pigs.
I am planning to have a fence on my property,but I have to walk my dog.I was hoping there are places where it's allowed to let a dog off the leash.

Are the wild pigs located mostly in the jungle,forest type of areas or open,close to the ocean parts of Puna are not safe for the pets either?

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - John S. Rabi - 09-15-2008

1. You can not let your dog off the leash anywhere.
2. Wild pigs roam around everywhere, they were frequent visitors to my home in HPP.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - StillHope - 09-15-2008

Thank you,John!
I hope you enjoyed free pork[Smile].

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - Carey - 09-15-2008

There is a fenced off leash dog walk area being constructed in Keaau, adjacent to the Humane Society... they have a big banner looking for donations.... I don't know much more than that & their website:

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - DanielP - 09-15-2008

The biggest problem comes when your dogs chase the pigs, or worse, the piglets.

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - StillHope - 09-15-2008

Thanks,Carey.Keaau is too far.Driving dog to walk is not my idea of dog walk.
Daniel,chasing the pigs - that something I can expect from mine.I was scared to death when he chased off a pack of coyotes.I thought I was not going to get him back in one piece.He came back so proud of himself,but it was the most horrifying experience.

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - Guest - 09-15-2008

This is how true locals deal with pigs.



RE: Wild pigs and our pets - oink - 09-15-2008

That was a small pig. Good I guess as it shouldn't have got too gamey yet.

Big Islander to be.

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - DanielP - 09-15-2008


Your dog(s) will either learn to chase and then keep their distance or they will learn a hard lesson. Hopefully not fatal. Dogs will eventually get out, with or without your help.

Good luck, Dan

RE: Wild pigs and our pets - Guest - 09-15-2008

Hope.. your dogs should be fine as long as you don't leave em at a golf course.

Golf course workers here in Hawaii have been known to eat small dogs.
