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Kilauea - Printable Version

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Kilauea - Bryce A. - 07-16-2007

Has there been a noticeable decrease in vog with the changes at Pu'u 'O'o? It looks like the fumes have decreased in the web cam view.

RE: Kilauea - Les C - 07-16-2007

The update page doesn't say anything about vog, but the new activity at Pu'u O'o appears to be slowly diminishing

The sulfur dioxide conditions are good, but this page only applies to the visitor center and the Jaggar Museum areas

This page shows how the different wind directions affect where the gases go

Anectodally, I haven't noticed any voggy days in upper Puna since the June 18/19th event.

Edited by - Les C on 07/16/2007 11:05:52

RE: Kilauea - emorata - 07-16-2007

when i was there last month, i was able to hike from kalapana area north towards the crater to where the lava was emptying into a dried lake area - it seems to be less sporadic that it is still flowing into this area, will do the hike again next week and report if there are anymore flows happening, its actually a very nice short hike to where the flows are ending up.