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paper less drywall...Densarmour - Printable Version

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paper less drywall...Densarmour - LuckeyBrown - 06-15-2007

has anyone heard bad or good about Densarmour by Georgia pacific? It is a paperless drywall product, best for mold resistance and cheeper then greenboard or even regular sheetrock. Only available in Kona though. I would think people would be trying it in Puna like crazy. Thanks...luckey

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Les C - 06-15-2007

I googled the product name followed by the company name and came up with a couple of web discussions about the product and installation situations. One person thought it was a gimmick and added, "like greenboard". One other person said that their research on the GP site said that while it's mold resistant, it's guaranteed for only 30 days! I believe the paper skin is replaced by fiberglas, and it's referred to as water resistant, not waterproof.

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Carey - 06-15-2007

Les, the product name is "DensArmor" - google that for more info. The DensArmor is only to replace interior 'sheetrock', & is not for any moisture or the old greenboard apllications. Georgia Pacific does offer a warrantied product for moisture applications, "DenSheild". For GP's info on these products, check:
Lowes in Kona does have the 1/2" 4x8 DensArmor (do not know if it is "plus" or not, plan to check tomorrow) for under $13/sheet.

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Rob Tucker - 06-15-2007

I went drywall -less on my home. I used 1/4" hardi panel with a skim coat of imperial plaster. Top coats of plaster can be pre-colored to eliminate the need for paint too.

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Carey - 06-15-2007

Rob, that is what we are redoing our house with. Our SIP's had extruded channels for 1/4 paneling - 30 years in Puna made for some very interesting waves in the paneling, so we decided to go with the smooth Hardipanel (it was the only product we found that would fit the channels & take humidity). There is one GIANT caveat...Hardipanel is a bear to cut for recepticle holes & such...grinds through carbide bits & saws...have to cut every thing very slowly to minimize heating the blades. For weight reduction in the raised ceiling areas, we are looking at other stuff...hence our interest in the GP product...still gotta do the research on it.

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Rob Tucker - 06-15-2007

I bought a fiber cement blade for about $7 and that cuts hardi panel all day long...

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Carey - 06-16-2007

Luckey, Lowes is carrying the DensArmor Plus, so it is a little more moisture resistant than the regular stuff.
Rob, we have a Hardipanel knife (about that price, blue handled, 7 shaped, great for scoring for straight cuts, but the rounds for plumbing & electrical knockouts are what are eating our blades. Also have a Hardipanel blade for the cir. saw, again good for straight cuts...Do you have a blade for Jig or Rotozip??? If so, where did you get it?

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - dmbwest - 06-19-2007

Hi Guys,

Hardipanel ? Is that the real name ? Is this a H.D./Lowes item ?

Thanks for the tips.

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Carey - 06-20-2007

Hadipanel is the name, it is a concrete board made by James Hardie Co. It is available at HPM. Home Depot, Lowes, Honsador (& probably Trojan, just haven't bought any there). It comes ready for a variety of applications, including tile baker, primed smooth, stucco, cedar milled, & cedar board on board, and a plank form. They also have vented panels for soffits. For installation go to:

Edited by - carey on 06/20/2007 07:32:17

RE: paper less drywall...Densarmour - Carey - 06-20-2007

If any one wants a few DensArmor Plus panels, we accidently bought ten instead of 5 (they were doubled & hubby just wasn't thinking). Even if you just want to take a looksy before driving to Kona Lowes, come on down! email if you don't know where we are.