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Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Printable Version

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Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Kelena - 10-28-2007

Does anyone know of a good fireplace guy. My place is in HPP. I had a guy working on the fireplace, but he started in August and, uh, you know it's November (almost). Want to see who else is out there in case I can't light a fire under him. May also need a tile guy.

RE: Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Jody - 10-28-2007

For a tile guy I highly recommend Carlton of Tile Styles. He's professional and close by (he lives close to your house in HPP.) He can be reached at (808) 938-5050 or by email info@tile-styles.com



Edited by - Jody on 10/28/2007 16:38:11

Edited by - Jody on 10/28/2007 16:39:04

RE: Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Kelena - 10-28-2007

Wow. Mahalo, JODY!

Edited by - glen on 10/29/2007 05:24:47

RE: Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Kelena - 10-28-2007

And thanks for the hint about the edit button!

Edited by - glen on 10/29/2007 05:25:30

RE: Fireplace/Tile Guy? - Jody - 10-28-2007

You're welcome, Glen.

Try the little pencil thingy, it's only visible when you're signed in.


RE: Fireplace/Tile Guy? - tilestyles - 06-12-2014

I helped Glen at the beginning of the year. Thanks for the referral and kind thoughts, Jody.