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Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - Printable Version

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Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - radioguy - 10-11-2007

I am watching Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" on the History Channel West, a possible eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano is explored. look for re-runs.

RE: Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - Kahunascott - 10-11-2007

On again at 10 tonight I can't wait

RE: Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - David D - 10-11-2007

Tabloid TV with a Documentary veneer. Still entertaining though.

RE: Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - LavaOcean - 10-12-2007

I hope to catch it

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures

RE: Mega Disasters "Hawaii Apocalypse" - LavaOcean - 10-12-2007

good reason to live for today

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures