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Free Euphorbia lactea cuttings - Printable Version

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Free Euphorbia lactea cuttings - Carey - 02-08-2008

We have a huge Euphorbia lactea that we really want to get down to managable size... Some friends in HPP planted (14th Hilo of Maku'u)a bunch of cuttings as a natural thorn hedge.

Much of the base looks like this:
with a lot of old crusty crests & some newer & nice, some with ruby highlights on the top of the crest.
The bulk of the plant looks more like:

It you want free cuttings, email through the forum

RE: Free Euphorbia lactea cuttings - Kapohocat - 02-09-2008

I have a huge one also. Any one can have it or take pieces too.

We are trying to figure out how to get it out of our driveway.

RE: Free Euphorbia lactea cuttings - Carey - 02-09-2008

Our Euphorbia WAS huge, just like Kapohocats', but now we have a bunch of 'elkhorn' branches to get outta here.
If you have ever wanted this plant, or are even interested, or don't really care but would like a plant you can toss cinder rocks into & they stick (not to be tried with small whiney children, yappy dogs or noisy roosters...) come 'n' get them. email through the forum, or call if you know the number, we are on the way into Hilo from anywhere in Puna. Hey the weather is great for gardening & the cinder/rock/soil is nice & moist..... just right for planting!