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Falling Leaves - Printable Version

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Falling Leaves - Lin W - 05-18-2008

I have a good-size tree in my front yard that I have always referred to as the “tulip tree.” I don’t know what it actually is; it has big yellow to orange flowers that are sort of pointy tulip-shaped and it makes large oval seed pods full of heart-shaped seeds surrounded by iridescent cellophane kinda stuff. A couple of weeks ago it started to bloom, lots of green leaves and gorgeous flowers…spring! Then five or six days ago I noticed the leaves were browning. Then the flowers fell off and this morning when I went out to get the newspaper, the driveway is full of brown, crunchy leaves and the tree is nearly bare -- looks dead. There are several of these trees in the neighborhood and they all seem to be suffering the same fate. First time this has happened in the four years I’ve been here so I’m wondering if this is a result of the vog or some virulent new tree disease, or something else entirely. Anyone else have sick trees in the past week or so? Another tree that I was told was mountain apple is also suddenly dropping leaves, just a green one left here and there this morning, pretty bare. I’m in HPP up on 30th. This vog episode didn’t seem as bad as past ones visually but that’s probably not the best way to measure. It hasn’t rained in a few days and everything is pretty dry but this goes way beyond that. Ideas? Suggestions? Anybody? Thanks.

too soon old, too late smart

RE: Falling Leaves - macuu222 - 05-18-2008

I have a mountain apple that has plenty of leaves and is now fruiting. Had about 30 apples so far and Im on 5th in HPP. Maybe its the dry weather we've been having thats causing the shedding of leaves. I do water it if it get's dry for several days.

RE: Falling Leaves - Lin W - 05-28-2008

My mountain apple (or whatever it is) is lookin' pretty puny. Only a few twisted green/brown leaves left and definitely no fruit. I have a pretty small catchment so can't spend water on the landscape, it's on its own. It has been much drier than usual so hopefully that's the problem and it will recover when the rain comes back. At this point even the grass is dry brown and crunchy. I need to mow but it seems like the grass may retain more moisture if left longer than if cut short so I'm waiting. On the plus side, my tomatoes are lovin' this weather.

Originally posted by macuu222

I have a mountain apple that has plenty of leaves and is now fruiting. Had about 30 apples so far and Im on 5th in HPP. Maybe its the dry weather we've been having thats causing the shedding of leaves. I do water it if it get's dry for several days.

too soon old, too late smart

RE: Falling Leaves - bmthorizon - 05-28-2008

That's it, glad to officially know what it is. It's bare as a bone now, not a leaf left. Hope it gets well when the rain starts again. We've actually had about 0.1 inch a day for the past three days -- not much but better than ol' none (as an uncle of mine used to say). Thanks for the info.

Originally posted by Buzz

Lin, does this look like your tree? If it is the african tulip tree, it does lose it's leaves when it's dry.
