Punaweb Forum
BUMP this! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: BUMP this! (/showthread.php?tid=4420)

BUMP this! - Menehune - 04-01-2008

I believe that MOST if not ALL Punawebbers are able to "search" Punaweb or the web in general. [Wink]

BUMPING a "whole series" of posts on a related topic monopolizes the "FRONT PAGE" and takes the "FUN" out of being attentive here - I need all the FUN I can get. IMHO [8D]

LAUGH - somebody - before I get FLAMED! [:p][Big Grin]

RE: BUMP this! - Rob Tucker - 04-01-2008

I agree. I'm down bumping a few of these for awhile.

Punaweb moderator

RE: BUMP this! - Rob Tucker - 04-01-2008

Damon, If you want one person to read a thread then direct them to that thread. It's not social to micro manage the forum.

Punaweb moderator

RE: BUMP this! - Guest - 04-01-2008

Thanks Rob,

My bad

RE: BUMP this! - Guest - 04-01-2008

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I agree. I'm down bumping a few of these for awhile.

Punaweb moderator

I've sent you a PM and hope you will reconsider for just this issue.
