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Cancelled Pahoa Mayoral Forum - Printable Version

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Cancelled Pahoa Mayoral Forum - nita Pilago - 07-26-2008

Mahalo for your thoughts in regards to the cancelled Pahoa Mayoral Forum.
Angel was very disappointed because the requirements to participate in the debate
"Why we should consider you seriously enough as a candidate for mayor", needed to be
fewer than 750 words. Angel is very serious and he worked very hard on his response, and his response was pretty close to 750 words. And that is why I thank you for your kind words in support of Angel.
Mahalo a nui loa

Nita Pilago

RE: Cancelled Pahoa Mayoral Forum - Guest - 07-26-2008

Nita, I have also been limited to time/space/etc on issues in my lifetime.... it does suck to be limited at times.... however sometimes it's necessary. I'm very grateful that Angel at least considered giving Puna his time unlike some of the other mayoral candidates.

I hope the Pahoa Mayoral forum will go on in some format. If not, I hope Angel will provide another chance for his constituents to meet with him.

From many of the people I have talked to... they are behind him 100%!!!

Rally For the Plan