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Container sharing tradition - Printable Version

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Container sharing tradition - StillHope - 04-17-2009

I've never shipped anything big or use shipping container in my life.

So any practical advice would be greatly appreciated.

I understand that every situation is different.

And frankly speaking,I think that sharing a container is like winning

a lottery.Coordinate time,place and space at the same time..

Anyway,if it's possible at all,I'd like to know:

What is the rule of thumb as far as the price is concerned?

I've seen some people go by cu ft.

DHX charges $5 per cu ft or about $5K for 20 ft container.

So if I need only 10 ft out of 20,how much realistically should I ask?

I thought,half the price ( or close) and half the container

is about right.But since i didn't get any response from a couple of

people possibly interested,I am assuming,it's more that they expected.

So what is to expect?

RE: Container sharing tradition - Rob Tucker - 04-17-2009

I suspect that there is a lot of talk and desire for container sharing but not much actual action. The distances are wide the needs and capacity vary and the actual costs are not always easy to determine and someone has to take responsibility. Aside from coordinating the loading on the out going side there is the logistics of receiving on the incoming side too.

Much more complex than it seems.

I would be interested in in knowing if any Punawebbers have actually done a shared container shipment to Hawaii from the mainland.

RE: Container sharing tradition - lquade - 04-17-2009

it is a tough one stillhope. i quess i would consider if you are gonna share is it loaded up at your place and then unloaded at their place? if you want to charge half the money that would be one way to do it. but then how are you gonna get your furniture or stuff to your place? then the timing issue. the logistics are very hard. you might have more luck if you just ship things for people. figure out what they want and charge for that space. i could see it working if people had something specific they wanted in like a piece of furniture they forgot, or something they inherited... something that they are willing to drop off and pick up at your place for a reasonable sum of money...and at your time schedule... dont have a better answer for you. but the container people dont make stops on the way to load or unload. you are gonna pay from point A to point B so to speak

RE: Container sharing tradition - StillHope - 04-17-2009

Thank you,Lquade and Rob.
I also would like to know if someone actually have done it.
For some reason I think it's another Urban Web Legend.

RE: Container sharing tradition - Carey - 04-17-2009

I have used container sharing in the past... I shipped one item, a VERRY long sink from the bay area & was more than glad to pay $6 cu/ft... but I didn't need a 1/2 container... just my sink.... & I didn't even think about buying a sink mainland & shipping it by container sharing until ... well almost until the container shipped... so my procrastination would not have helped anyone who was actually planning a container, merely some one trying to fill up the last vestiges...

RE: Container sharing tradition - hooligal - 04-17-2009

I shared my container from the mainland (Port of Oakland). The first round of it was an absolute nightmare. My first container partner, who was supposed to take 3/4 of the container and store the container at his house for loading, bailed 3 days after I purchased the container! HOLY CRAP! However, I was then BLESSED with a fellow punawebber who filled up about 1/5 of the container.

If I was going to do this all again, I would have enough money to ship alone and expect people to drop out. That way, when it happens, you'll avoid shock, panic and disappointment when it occurs.

I did mine on a per cubic foot basis , since my container buddy went all the way to the ceiling Smile I would do written agreements to protect myself - I did not & it worked out fine, but I think it's just a good idea. I'm pretty sure I got estimates for all of the costs to give an estimated CU FT price, BUT with the caveat that the prices can shift a bit. Remember you're going to split the boat, trucking from port of hilo, etc.

I think I got VERY lucky with my container buddy. Best of luck that you'll find good folks too!

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

RE: Container sharing tradition - StillHope - 04-18-2009

Thank you,Hooligal.
I am pleased to know that someone actually did it.

In general I think if 2 people really need to share and both reasonable,you can discuss and negotiate and come to some mutual grounds.

The problem is to find a person .

RE: Container sharing tradition - StillHope - 04-18-2009

Hooligal,about a written agreement.
What would you suggest to mention in it?
Is it valid without notarization?

RE: Container sharing tradition - csgray - 04-18-2009

I have a friend on the Kona side who has bought space in other people's containers several times to ship building materials over from Oregon where no sales tax and better availability for certain products makes it worth it, she also shipped over everything she needed for her new kitchen along with her personal stuff when she first moved over. My friend had the materials delivered to the container and loaded straight into the container, then she added her own goods. I also knew people who topped off their own container with building materials for resale to people who were building here on the Island. If you are building a new house and the timing works, I would look at filling your container with things like your cabinets, wood flooring, windows and other items which seem quite expensive here. The beauty of building materials is they are easy to pack shapes, unlike an assortment of household goods.


RE: Container sharing tradition - hooligal - 04-18-2009

Stillhope, I would outline approx price, timelines & how the process is going to work so that they have something to look at. It's a lot of info to remember & verbal only risks misunderstanding or simply forgetting info. I'd imagine you can make a legally binding contract if you got a notary, but I'm no expert.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *