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natural farming meeting place change - Printable Version

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natural farming meeting place change - canhle - 12-07-2008

I went to a Natural Farming workshop organized by La’akea Permaculture Community near Leilani Estates. It is free.

This workshop teach you how easily it is making your own fertilizer from material readily availabe around your house, how to create a pen for your pigs, chickens, or cattle- so that you hardly have to do any cleaning. But the pen is odor free. And there are many more which is too numerous to list.

If you have the time, please go to this workshop on Dec. 13 from 4PM to 7PM. You will be glad you did.

Here is the direction to the workshop from Makuu Farmer market:
Get on 130 going toward Leilani Estates, about 1/2 mile past Leilani( just pass the 14 mile marker) turn right on Ala'ili rd.(this is a small road and is easily missed). Drive for about a mile on Alai'li rd. and turn right. It is the second driveway after the pavement breakup. There is a sign "La’akea Community". Park your car at the sign "Please park here" and walk toward the mainhouse.

Please go to this free workshop. Not only you will be glad you did, but you will be sorry if you did'nt.


RE: natural farming meeting place change - Devany - 12-07-2008

Do they have plans to do another one after January? We won't be there till then, and it sounds FANTASTIC!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

RE: natural farming meeting place change - canhle - 12-07-2008

I am not sure about January. May be you can ask the people at La’akea Permaculture Community. Here is their website http://www.permaculture-hawaii.com/


RE: natural farming meeting place change - Devany - 12-09-2008

Thanks for the link. It looks like a fantastic program. I know some young people that might be interested in the internships and work study programs they have.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

RE: natural farming meeting place change - sittall - 12-09-2008

Unfortunately it looks like the Dec. 6 workshop on edible landscaping is not free. Info from the website shows:
Edible Landscaping -
How to Eat the Most out of Your Landscape!
December 6, 2008
When: Saturday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: La'akea Community
Contact: Tracy at laakea@permaculture-hawaii.com, or 808- 443-4076
Fee: $25, includes several take home plant cuttings and recipes

>><(()(º> Connie >)))º>

RE: natural farming meeting place change - canhle - 12-13-2008

Sorry, I have just found this out: the meeting place has changed.
On Dec 10, 2008, ETAAROA@WHSHIPMAN.COM wrote:

Aloha everyone,
For various reasons, Dr. Park has requested that we move the meeting
for this Saturday, December 13, 2008 to the Hilo Korean Christian
Church in Kurtistown (on Hwy just past 9mm) the time will be 3:30pm.
Dr. Park will be giving an update about the planned trip to Korea and
developing a sister-city relationship with Go Sung county in Korea.

The meeting at Laakea Permaculture Community in Pahoa is CANCELLED.

Hope to see you there.

Emily Taaroa
W.H. Shipman, Ltd.
16-523 Keaau-Pahoa Rd.
Keaau, Hawaii 96749
(808) 966-9325, fax (808) 966-8522
