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Safeway to Lower prices - Printable Version

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Safeway to Lower prices - macuu222 - 12-09-2008

This was from AOL this morning. I couldn't find any article... just pictures.

"Safeway supermarkets, facing a decline in store sales, says it will be lowering prices in 2009, including on milk, and focusing more on store brands."


RE: Safeway to Lower prices - Lin W - 12-09-2008

Their dumping brand names for their less than excellent store brands is one reason I haven't shopped Safeway in over a year now. I doubt I'm the only one - wonder if they factored that into their "decline in store sales?"

use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - Kapohocat - 12-10-2008

I shop there. I hate going into KTA because it smells so bad.

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - dcl - 12-10-2008

Yep I shop there too because KTA smells like rotten stinkies. I will say this Safeway is nothing like others I shopped in, although the layout is familiar. Hopefully the new one will be better.

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - jade - 12-10-2008

I shope the sales everywhere.

For those who shop at safeway make sure that you check your reciept. There is something wrong 50% of the time. Either the put the wrong product under the sales item tag or they don't give the right price/discount. I swear they mislead the public by adding the tag on the wrong place or its only on a certain size. Read carefully and check your reciept. I am not exagerating on the 50%. It has become a game to me not to be overcharged.

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - tada - 12-10-2008

maybe they figured out they are not Whole Foods.

Other people want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - Greg - 12-10-2008

Please stay out of safeway! (I no like wait in line)

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - oink - 12-10-2008

I thought KTA smelled like a seafood market toward the rear, but I liked the store. When I was there the poke selection was great, if I didn't get there too late. Their miso tako was very good but I can't find anyone to make it here. The cook at a local restaurant said they made it for themselves but wouldn't make it for the restaurant. If anyone knows how to make the sauce and the preparation for it I would love to know. The Safeway is ok too.

Big Islander to be.

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - punafish - 12-10-2008

Never noticed the smell in KTA before. Hmmm, maybe I'm olfactory-challenged-or just got used to being around fish all the time in Japan. I'm pay attention next time I'm in there.

Smelly or not, if there's a deal, I'm there.

RE: Safeway to Lower prices - robguz - 12-13-2008

Lowering them from outrageous to ridiculous?