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The hurting affluent - Printable Version

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The hurting affluent - John S. Rabi - 12-19-2008

While it has nothing to do with Puna, it's such an interesting article that I thought everybody should read it. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122963264282619367.html

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

RE: The hurting affluent - Devany - 12-19-2008

Interesting article John. Thanks for sharing. I love the WSJ.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

RE: The hurting affluent - JerryCarr - 12-19-2008

Oh the poor souls, suffering so! Let's get the government to bail them out. Oh, wait. They already got bailed out. Never mind.

RE: The hurting affluent - JWFITZ - 12-19-2008


RE: The hurting affluent - Guest - 12-19-2008

I think there is a part of Madoff that is reveling in this whole deal.

RE: The hurting affluent - JWFITZ - 12-19-2008

No doubt. He's the most powerful man in human history, in some sense.

RE: The hurting affluent - mella l - 12-21-2008

Greed vs Greed. And Greed won! Unbelievable!

mella l

RE: The hurting affluent - Guest - 12-22-2008

It seems that most successful cons are enabled by the victims own greed.

RE: The hurting affluent - JWFITZ - 12-22-2008

Along that line, here's some very interesting stuff. A long video, but worth watching and very timely.
