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Who has extra lychees? - Printable Version

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Who has extra lychees? - nanasohana - 06-26-2006

I would love to come get some if you would want to share!

RE: Who has extra lychees? - Lucy - 06-30-2006

Maybe Pam Jones has not seen this message, but she did post that she had an abundance and was wondering what to do with them all.
This was on the u-pick thread. Also your email is not working here when I tried to email you.

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

RE: Who has extra lychees? - Lucy - 07-28-2006

Nancy or PJ,

Don't know if this would be somehting that you would enjoy, but wanted to share!~~Lucy

Tequila-Lychee Ice Cream

Tequila isn't just for margaritas. When sweetened, it takes on a
lovely floral quality which pairs beautifully with tropical fruits
like lychee. Try a scoop of this with a fresh tropical fruit salad.
And remember, most the alcohol cooks off. From "Tropical Desserts"
by Andrew McLaughlin. Cooking time does not include freezing time.

1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup tequila - I use dark
1 cup lychees, diced-fresh is best
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons honey
4 egg yolks

1 hour 30 minutes 45 mins prep

Combine the milk, cream and tequila in a saucepan and place over
medium heat.

Bring to a simmer, and cook gently about 12 to 14 minutes, then
remove from the heat.

Meanwhile, in a bowl, whisk the sugar and honey into the egg yolks
until slightly pale and lightened.

Put one third of the milk mixture into the yolks while whisking.
Add the yolk mixture into the saucepan with the rest of the milk
mixture and cook over medium heat stirring constantly until the
mixture thickens sufficiently to coat the back of spoon -- do not
allow the custard to boil.

Remove from the heat, pass through a fine strainer, fold in lychees,
and place in the refrigerator to cool for 30 minutes.
When it has cooled, place in an ice cream maker and follow
manufacturer's instructions.
Mary Anne

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

RE: Who has extra lychees? - pam jones - 07-29-2006

Sorry Nancy it's pau now. Lucy I wish I would have known about your recipe a few weeks ago. Last week I had FIVE pineapple rippen at the same time! Pineapple chicken, pineapple upside down cake, pineapple..straight..Wink Nancy I would have gladly shared my lychee with you but got the message too late. I did notice the lady in front of Wallyworld the other day selling some for, I think, $1.50lb! Killer deal, if they are any good. Have you ever noticed that really huge lychee tree in the Kea'au supermarket parking lot? Last Saturday I noticed choke lychee on it, maybe there are some lower branches that are easy to get to. Lucy thanks for the recipe! I might try that with pineapple as another one is just about ready! Wish I could share it with everybody.