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Airport security, adequate or a facade? - Printable Version

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Airport security, adequate or a facade? - Guest - 12-30-2008

Airport security, Adequate or a facade?

Beware, I’m Piss off and this may be a long rant

Today I had to send my loving wife off to Honolulu ounce again for treatment at the Kaiser hospital on Oahu. She is disabled and in a wheelchair and has to go to Honolulu quite often for treatment. Each and every time TSA puts her thru a full and personal search of her person. Today wasn’t any different when I put her on the airplane. We arrived at the airport and Barbara [my wife] had a half empty [or half full] diet Pepsi bottle. The security people immediately took that away from her saying that it was a security risk. TSA also made her remover her foot where ounce again even though her legs were bandaged with ace wrappings {because of swelling} After giving her a through search they allowed her to pass.

This is reasonable and I agree with it all, we need all the security that we can get not just at the airports but everywhere in this nation after 9 11. After saying that here is what happened to me today at Hilo airport.

I was bringing my wife to the airport and pulled up to the handicap parking area. I stopped and was going to the Hawaiian terminal ticket area for a wheelchair when a security person said that only porters can bring wheelchairs to the curb. I said, OK I need a chair can you call a porter for me? He responded by saying that all of the porters are busy now. I responded by saying that we have a flight and that we have to check in pretty quick. In the interim a airport security guard was at my car telling my wife [in the passenger seat that she has to move it] Mind you we have a handicap plaque hanging from the rear view mirror and we are in a blue zone. OK I went and got a wheelchair [screw um] and brought it to the car and Barbara got in. I wheeled her to the curb and under the overhang because it was raining hard. I got in my car and parked it, then came back to where I left Barbara sitting in the wheelchair and proceeded to the check in counter. We made it thru the gauntlet and were now headed to see if we could pass mustard thru TSA.

I stripped myself of all metals objects, including belt buckle, change, MG3 player, glasses, car keys, and finally my Husky box cutter that I didn’t realize that I had with me and put them in a plastic tray to go thru X ray. To my surprise my box cutter came thru x ray with fling colors. I expected to have security hold it until I returned from bringing Barbara to the gate for her flight after all I was just a escort not a passenger. While I was sitting waiting for Barbara to pass security I watched TSA take make-up, mouthwash, shaving cream, and an sphere of items away from passengers for security reasons. Yet I walked into the terminal with a box cutter the tool [weapon] that the scum used to bring havoc to this nation. Go figure, half empty Pepsi, DANGER, Shoes with taps on them DANGER, belt buckles and eye glasses, very very dangerous, but box cutters no problem. Is it just me or am I all wet?

The Lack

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - Lin W - 12-31-2008

A little over a year ago, I took a friend in a wheelchair to Hilo airport to catch ATA back to the mainland. I went through their super security so I could wait with her until her plane boarded. I had to send purse and shoes through x-ray and myself through metal detector, then stand on footprints and be wanded and patted down. They searched my purse and confiscated my little, half-empty bottle of hand sanitizer. Finally I was cleared to take her to the gate. Later, when I got home and was changing clothes, I realized that, as I always do, I had a spare set of car keys (two keys on a metal ring with a metal tag and remote car door opener) tucked in my bra, and they had missed that completely. Kinda makes you wonder what else makes it onto the airplane, doesn't it?

use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - StillHope - 12-31-2008

In general,"you get what you paid for".
If you have a regular person with some training vs retired cop...
That person had to stare at the screen the whole day for what JWITZ called "starvation salary" or close to it.

Disclaimer: I am not saying that low wages should justify not doing the job.

I am saying that someone with police work or home land security experience should do the job.

But who is going to like the price on the airplane tickets then?

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - loffelkopffl - 12-31-2008

i carry a pocket knife, whenever i go to the airport i take it out and leave it at home, i guess it's kind of like a box cutter, it will cut, however if i forgot to leave it at home, and it went thru the "security" i would just laugh.

once they acutually made the airlines lock the cockpit doors(something al gore had tried to implement years prior but those conservatives laughed and blocked it), it made all this other crap meaningless.

all this so called airport security is in my opinion fearmongering to keep the sheep in line, something the outgoing
criminals have used effectively to start not only meaningless wars, but to chip away at our freedoms(not just in flying), taking off ones slippers is the ultimate joke on us.

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - LeeE - 12-31-2008

Mike Rivero's Hawaii based (and very popular in Puna), website whatreallyhappened.com reported that half the airport security systems fail during recent tests.

He points out that if half the screenings fail, then half of the "terrorist" attempts to smuggle boxcutters, fountain pens and other objects on to planes should succeed.

The whole thing is a fraud and we are being played for chumps, imho.

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - LeeE - 12-31-2008

No worries Puna. Our "security" is in good hands.

Bush family hands, that is...

Mr. Lindorff needn't worry or marvel though. Our local, state and national media have studiously ignored most of what transpired.


"The Bush Who Seems to be in All the Right Places
Marvelous Marvin


Let me say right from the get go that I'm not a conspiracy theorist by nature. As a journalist I like to see the facts line up solidly before I go with an accusation.

At the same time, I also subscribe to Noam Chomsky's approach of looking at how differently the media and government deal with similar situations and issues when they involve the right and the left.

And on that basis, I have to marvel at how the corporate media, and the various government and quasi-government bodies that investigated or are investigating 9-11, have ignored curious things involving the Bush family.

The one that has me most stunned right now is the information dug up and actually published (in the Prince George's Journal of Prince George, MD) way back on Feb. 4, 2003, reporting that George Bush's obscure youngest brother Marvin was on the board of directors of a company called Securacom (now changed to Stratesec) that was responsible for providing "electronic security" to the World Trade Center right up to 9/11/2001.

The company, according to author, Margie Burns, is backed by the Kuwait-American Corp., an investment firm with links to the Bush family..."

One of the first things I noticed upon moving to Puna, is that I could mention Daniel Hopsicker and his engaging website, <madcowprod.com> and people would know what I was talking about!

What a breath of fresh air that was, I can tell you.

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - Rob Tucker - 12-31-2008

I encourage everyone to not wander down a path of Bush bashing on Punaweb. Keep it Hawaii.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - abe - 12-31-2008

2 years ago when i was flying out of Hilo, someone had a lighter with him and a bottle of water. he proceded to throw the water out and the lighter as well when airport security said the lighter was ok to bring on the plane. Then, much to my amuesment, someone else said, "great, you can light stuff on fire on board, but you can't bring the water to put it out!"

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - mella l - 12-31-2008

60 Minutes did a showcase of TSA recently. Get this in Europe you can keep your shoes on! They laugh at us.

Anyway if you can catch the re-run you will see that the airport security is an illusion, admittedly so and opinions of airline personnel is that the real problems are on the tarmac, not in the passengers.

mella l

RE: Airport security, adequate or a facade? - Greg - 12-31-2008

When they're strip searching grandma while allowing containers into our harbor without a sniff, we've already lost the "War" on terror.