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Making tropical wine - Printable Version

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Making tropical wine - sweetwater - 01-14-2009

Does anyone have a good recipe for making tropical fruit wine? Why pay a lot of money to someone else if I can make my own? Mahalo! Linda

RE: Making tropical wine - Larry T - 01-15-2009

I have looked for this also, but have not found any thing. The ones I have found are all sugar.

RE: Making tropical wine - oink - 01-15-2009

I think there was a thread on this topic at one time. A search using the word wine failed to turn it up. Perhaps someone more determined can find it.

Big Islander to be.

RE: Making tropical wine - StillHope - 01-15-2009


RE: Making tropical wine - lostboystoy - 01-15-2009

try using honey instead of auger. Try looking up honey meed on the Internet. Since meed came way before meed

setting my soul free....

RE: Making tropical wine - lostboystoy - 01-15-2009

try using honey instead of auger. Try looking up honey meed on the Internet. Since meed came way before meed

setting my soul free....

RE: Making tropical wine - Greg - 01-15-2009

Open a bottle of grape(or other fruit)juice, Take a big swig, replace cap, leave on countertop for two weeks.

RE: Making tropical wine - roseroo14 - 01-15-2009

This is the kine wine


The Lack

RE: Making tropical wine - lostboystoy - 01-16-2009

great site Tom just don't add the tanens and replace the sugar with honey.
The tannens will give you a hangover some people are allergic to them.

setting my soul free....