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my heart is still in Hawaii - Printable Version

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my heart is still in Hawaii - cruz - 02-15-2009

Aloha, just wanted to say hi to everyone on Punaweb. My friend told me about this forum. Some of you might think I'm crazy, but what the heck I will share my story. I lived on Oahu for 5 years as a kid, and still believe I left part of my heart in Hawaii the moment I left. I have always missed Hawaii, and sometimes get this homesick feeling, and feel this need and pull back to Hawaii. I have been living in Kansas the past 20 years. Married a local girl here and have a nice family. My wife has been listening to me for years about what it's like in Hawaii. So for that reason we are considering a move to Hilo or Puna town in a couple years. Now I am realistic. Right now after reading the boards it doesn't seem to be a good time to move with the job situation. And I realize that it isn't gonna happen right now. I need a job, and my wife needs a job, we aren't wealthy and don't have alot of savings to just live off of. But I am coming here to meet new people and hopefully get some advice about moving to the area in the future.

My wife and I both have bachelor's degrees, she may have a master's before we move there. Her degree is in Social Work and mine is in Sociology though I have been working in IT for over 10 years. I have been checking Hilo Herald-Tribune but haven't seen much in the way of jobs. Do they show all the classifieds on their website? I know that some places only show some of the jobs, but will print a more extensive list in the printed paper. Just curious.

My wife and I live in a small town in Kansas, population about 27,000, the next largest town is 30 mins away with a population of about 50,000, the closest larger city is about an hour away. The city we live in has been known as the Harlem of Kansas or simply as Junktown. LOL! But we love it! It's a little rough around the edges, but the people are real, honest, and the nicest people in the world. We try to get involved in the community whenever we can, with community dinner's, cancer walk, fundraising, etc. For us it's important to be in there working with the community, trying to do good work. We like it here because it has that smalltown feel, but yet it has most of the things we need. I have heard life is the same there in east Hawaii. I don't like big city life, I thought I did at one time, but then I got older and started a family. That kind of life does really appeal to me any longer. Hilo and Puna seem to offer the best of both worlds.

We are both mixed race. I am half white half latino, my wife is half white half black. We don't really care or pay attention to race, but I know that at least on Oahu when I lived there that haoles sometimes had problems. Some have thought I was half korean, or samoan, and many people have thought my wife was samoan. I am wondering how life on the big island would be like for us, especially our kids.

Anyway that is my intro. Anyone care to introduce themself? Any advice to a new guy in town or better yet a new family in town? Anyone think I am crazy for feeling like my heart is still in Hawaii after 20 years? Any idea about the need for Social Workers or IT guys in the area? Big Grin

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - John S. Rabi - 02-15-2009

Just remember, Puna s not a town. It's a district that is larger than the Island of Oahu. Good luck with your plans!

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - cruz - 02-15-2009

Mahalo John. I think it's just late and I am tired. In fact it's past my bedtime. Smile I meant Pahoa town. But we are considering anywhere in the Puna District. Off to bed for me!

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - Johnnycake - 02-15-2009

Aloha Cruz, and welcome to punaweb. You sound like you and your family would fit right in. Don't give up your dream of returning to Hawaii. I for one never gave it up and here I am. And I might add quite happy with my new life. Yes, the work situation is not the greatest..but if you are determined and have that, "never give up spirit" you too can make it happen. If you do need the immediate income, try and get yourself set up with employment before you come. I do know there are other websites that you can check..I'm sure others will chip in and tell you. Anyhow I just wanted to welcome you and "keep the dream alive".

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - PaulW - 02-15-2009

I don't read the online edition of HTH but there are quite a few jobs in the paper, although not very enticing ones. It's true, there's a downturn now, but it does have its advantages - houses and land are cheaper than they have been for years.

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - nanasohana - 02-15-2009

Heh, cruz, I totally understand. My husband and I lived in Puna for 3 years and came back to Oklahoma last fall to be with kids and grandkids....and our hearts are in Puna. We love our kids and grandkids but the pull is so strong. Have you been to Puna for a visit? I hear the airfare is pretty good right now, and I bet you could find a reasonable priced place to stay for a week or so...Puna isn't Oahu, but thats what makes it pretty special. Our plan is to return in 2011 if all goes well, and build another house and see what happens. But I, like many here, know what you mean. What is it about Hawaii? Well, theres the natural beauty, the peoples, the great climate....email me if you like..and we can whine to eachother[Smile]

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - Chuysmom - 02-16-2009

Cruz, I know the tug on your heart of which you speak. As you know right now jobs are scarce. What you see online is the ENTIRE classifieds. It's no bigger in the paper.

With your experience and education - that's a real plus. The State has a freeze on hiring right now - but social work is large here on the big island and there are many areas your wife can check into. There are interim homes, ohana programs, and rehabilitation programs as well. With your wife's education, it might not be so hard for her to find work in the next couple of years.

We love Puna because it is remote and less stressful. We have all we need here in this corner of the world. I hope that you are able to realize your dream. Sounds like coming from your little raggedy town you are just what we need. You get it.

Good luck and keep posting!

Carrie Rojo


"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - TheodoreJay - 02-16-2009

Cruz: I relate to your feeling. This coming May will be my 5th time back to Puna. I kinda feel like I'm a temporaty resident even though technically I'm just a tourist. There's something drawing me there, can't say exactly what (maybe great weather or change of pace). Punaweb's a great place to get the scoop on what's goin on. So welcome & enjoy Smile TheodoreJay

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - John S. Rabi - 02-16-2009

Originally posted by TheodoreJay

I kinda feel like I'm a temporaty resident even though technically I'm just a tourist.
I have been reading your posts both on TA and here, you are not a tourist, you are a visitor who keeps coming back.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

RE: my heart is still in Hawaii - Guest - 02-16-2009

Originally posted by Chuysmom

... What you see online is the ENTIRE classifieds. It's no bigger in the paper...

The worst part... many of those ads have been in the paper for MONTHS! A few our scams...

And the COUNTY/STATE JOBS listed on their sites very rarely rotate. While they are always taking applications and often doing testing... there is very little actual hiring going on.

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