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Orange Moon! - Printable Version

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Orange Moon! - Royall - 03-11-2009

The moon rise is awesome tonight!


What goes around comes around!

RE: Orange Moon! - james weatherford - 03-11-2009

saw it.
you are right, it was "orange" and so when it was way above the horizon.

another night in Paradise


James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

RE: Orange Moon! - David M - 03-11-2009

and the stars compliment it nicely.


Ninole Resident

RE: Orange Moon! - Devany - 03-12-2009

It really was a beautiful moon! Don't know if we will get such a sight tonight with all of the cloud cover. It was nice to see the stars again too.


RE: Orange Moon! - Royall - 03-12-2009

Just having lots of sunshine yesterday was great. The moonrise was just a topper!


What goes around comes around!