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Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Printable Version

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Islam Day in Hawaii?? - mdd7000 - 05-06-2009

This is almost too stupid to be true.

HONOLULU -- Hawaii's state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate "Islam Day" -- over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.



So when is Christian Day? Jewish Day? etc.?


RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Devany - 05-06-2009

I have a feeling it would be better to ignore this post, but there are significant holidays that are related to Christianity... Christmas and Easter to name two.

And what gives the racist dopes aka "few lawmakers" the idea that 9-11 was about the Muslim religion? It was done by radical whackos, not by true Muslims. I have many Muslim friends and they are the most peace loving and dear people in the world. I just hate it when people generalize about any group of people without really knowing what their principles are. There are skinheads and Nazis that proclaim themselves to be Christians and one of them exploded the SSA building in Oklahoma before 9.11 but nobody blames that on Christians.

But then as Rob would say, "What does this even have to do with Puna anyway?"

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Andrew - 05-06-2009


Couldn't agree with you more. Very stupid. With so many major problems facing our state and country this bit of lawmaking ranks right up there with Nero fiddling while Rome burned. What ever happened to the separation of religion and state? Why the heck is the Hawaii legislature wasting their time with this nonsense?

By the way Devany of coarse Muslims are peace loving when they are in the minority. Ever been to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or the Sudan? How about Niger or Indonesia? The list goes on. Oh ya the religion of peace for sure. Laughing out load at that little pearl of wisdom.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - ric - 05-06-2009

To add, the OK City attack was different from the 9/11 attack. NO Christians defended what was done, there were NO Christians dancing in the streets after OK City. To create a moral equivalence in this case is rediculous. Perhaps after we get an "Islam Day", we can then work on getting sharia courts like they have in UK. Then when some Islamic father murders his daughter for having the audacity of talking to a boy, that father can be held to completely different standards than the rest of us ... i.e. "justified homocide". Oh, but it's just an alternative but equally valid religion.

Regarding our Christian religious holidays, if anyone would find our nation's history relevant, our founding fathers, the architects, writers, and signors of the Declaration of Independence, as well as those present at the Constitutional Convention . . . look at their written works . . . Christianity so obviously played a part in the founding of this country.

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - csgray - 05-06-2009

A brief history of religion lesson for those of you who are spouting opinions about the relative merits of various religions:

Most religions on this planet are defined as "folk religions" These are religions who believe in the God of their people. They don't have missionaries, seek converts, or preach to members of other religions. These religions believe in "their" God and don't care what others believe, and usually are quite difficult religions to join if you are not born into them. Judaism as well as virtually all tribal religions are included here.

There are three "universalizing" religions on Earth, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. All three of these believe that their religion and their God is the one true God. They do have missionaries, seek converts, and preach to members of other religions. Because of this, these are the three largest religions in the world. They all have been involved in religious wars, forced conversions, massacres in the name of their God and horrific levels of intolerance towards members of other religions. None have blood free hands, all have used large scale violence to either force conversions or eliminate other religions.

If a public entity like the State of Hawaii sets aside a day for one religion or space for religious symbols they have to do so for all religions or else they are violating the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. Personally I wish government would skip all involvement in religion, including exempting all church owned properties (not just houses of worship) from taxation. Why should a workout center and gym for church members be exempt but Gold's gym has to pay taxes?


RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - ric - 05-07-2009

Good point about the abuse of tax-expemptions. But to deny the history of the USA would be a tragedy. I've spent years overseas, and from my observation, I haven't seen any Muslim country, Buddhist country, or otherwise where a state would decide to honor Christianity. If anything, their attitude is somewhere between indifferent and prohibitive. Again, to make these religions equivalent in USA is ignoring our own heritage.

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Greg - 05-07-2009

Lock it down, Rob. This thread is going nowhere.


RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Dave M - 05-07-2009

Good point about the abuse of tax-exemptions. But to deny the history of the USA would be a tragedy. I've spent years overseas, and from my observation, I haven't seen any Muslim country, Buddhist country, or otherwise where a state would decide to honor Christianity. If anything, their attitude is somewhere between indifferent and prohibitive. Again, to make these religions equivalent in USA is ignoring our own heritage.

Here's a good example of "history denied":

I agree about the tax exemptions as well but remember corporations set the bar for abusing tax "exemptions". At least "some" of the organized religion proceeds go to charity, disaster relief etc.. Remember a great majority of the Charity and disaster relief,around the world, comes form organized religions.. Yes, I know that there are crooks and scam artist that use the pulpit for their own benefits but contrary to popular opinion not all organized religion is a scam..

To answer the question more literally Golds Gym is a "for profit" and God's Gym is suppose to be "non profit", thus hopefully the donations from Gods gym can be seen/used for charitable causes. I would love to see people that abuse the system being prosecuted, but hey.. we seem to be more about giving them bail-out monies, here in this Country.


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - LeeE - 05-07-2009

Let's turn this boat around, ok?

Dig a little deeper and you'll find that Jack Abramoff's, (top Republican Lobbyist and now convicted felon), new toy (SunCruise Lines) ship was headed for Puna accordion to the itinerary, but sailed around it's home port area instead.


"...just a day or two after 9/11 that someone reported to the FBI that three or four of the hijackers were seen gambling on a SunCruz boat,” wrote a source in Miami. “The FBI interviewed everyone who might have seen them, that very day by all reports.”

Sure enough. We found an Associated Press story on Sept 26, 2001 headlined “SunCruz Casinos turns over documents in terrorist probe.”

“SunCruz Casinos has turned over photographs and other documents to FBI investigators after employees said they recognized some of the men suspected in the terrorist attacks as customers.… Names on the passenger list from a Sept. 5 cruise matched those of some of the hijackers... Two or three men linked to the Sept. 11 hijackings may have been customers on a ship that sailed from Madeira Beach on Florida's gulf coast.”

Less than a week before the 9.11 attack, Atta and several other hijackers were aboard one of Abramoff’s casino boats. ..."

Islamics my astrolab.

RE: Islam Day in Hawaii?? - Bob Orts - 05-07-2009


This was a RESOLUTION. Hawaii passes many RESOLUTIONS each year.

These RESOLUTIONS are when you see things like:
Taro Recognition Day
Hawaii 2009 Noncommissioned Officers Year
Child Abuse Awareness Month
Maui kiss a gecko day
Bike-to-Work Week
Hilo Tsunami Memorial Day
Prevent Domestic Violence Week
Kona Coffee Day

RESOLUTIONS are just a recognition of something they feel is nice to have some acknowledgement for a day, week, month or year. It forces nobody to do anything. You can get your state rep to introduce a resolution for HPP Formation Day, or Green Harvest Liberation Week, or something a bit more community and public service as "Don't Commit a Crime In Puna Today" Day all you need to do is ASK for a resolution.