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Mamaki plants - Printable Version

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Mamaki plants - dlnragent - 05-10-2009

My SO wants another Mamaki plant, since her old one died. I have not seen any in the wild for a while now, and was wondering if anyone knows of a source?

RE: Mamaki plants - Greg - 05-10-2009

Now that you mention it, they aren't as common as they once were.

You might try Kua O Ka La Public Charter School near the Ahalanui Hot Pond. They specialize in propagating and giving away native species.

Kua O Ka La Phone # ....965-5098


RE: Mamaki plants - Mitzi M - 05-11-2009

There's a fellow at Maku'u market that has them from time to time.
You might also try Kenneth Lee Nursery in Panaewa 959-8892, Allie Atkins/Lehua Lena in Kea'au 966-7975, or maybe Jan Anderson at Kapoho Kai, 965-8839.

I think it's best to get seed from plants close to your climatic conditions. If you live up high, I have noticed a whole lot of them up in Volcano - some of them in the County road ROW.
Mamaki has grown easily for me from seeds and cuttings.


RE: Mamaki plants - dakine - 05-11-2009

we, nalehua nursery, have some, grown in the volcano area from seed gathered in the area, how well they would adapt to a coastal environment I couldn't say, but if you are interested in purchasing contact me through my email