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Medication - Printable Version

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Medication - Guest - 06-06-2009

Most of us,at some unexpected and unwelcome time,will require medication that we rather not need to take.From a strong painkiller to chemotherapy.The arsenal of strong medicines developed by modern science can frighten the formerly healthy.The need for pharmaceutical drugs can be particularly challenging for those who want to eat organic foods and drink water as free of pollutants and contaminant chemicals as possible.We look for alternatives to allopathic medicines.The sense of failure haunts a formerly well person.What did i do wrong?how can i correct my thoughts or actions to make this go away?Every pill or IV treatment becomes a reminder of disappointment in oneself,in ones associates,or in god.Worse than a reminder,many people fight medication with moments of anger and resentment,even while swallowing the prescription. paul

RE: Medication - Rob Tucker - 06-06-2009

It's true. One of my family members let their fear of medical treatment delay treatment for years. The result was a fair bit of pain and suffering over a long time. These delays in medical treatment did not save any money and only let the condition become worse causing some permanent problems.

(PS - Paul24, I see need to you contact me regarding your registered email address. PW requires a valid email address.)

RE: Medication - Guest - 06-06-2009

Rob my email is paulmueller24@yahoo.com

RE: Medication - mdd7000 - 06-06-2009

Time to ban this user. Too many SPAM posts in a week or so. (see other posts as to why I say this)

RE: Medication - Guest - 06-06-2009

Just had time on my hands today so i put some things out there for people to think about.I am not trying to preach religion or piss anybody off if you don't like the topic don't respond.You would be just wasting time and energy. paul24

RE: Medication - missydog1 - 06-06-2009

paul, there is a rule on Punaweb that topics must be relevant to Puna. The fact that it applies to human beings and Puna is full of human beings doesn't cut it.

I respond because YOU waste my reading time by starting a topic that shouldn't be here.
It's rude for any one poster to start lots of topics. I am not trying to fill Rob's shoes, just telling you as a member why your posting is annoying the heck out of me today.