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Business Computer poll / discussion - Printable Version

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Business Computer poll / discussion - glennoid - 08-15-2006

Aloha! I'm trying to get a handle on the overall computer use in small- to medium-sized businesses out there on the island. (I'm asking this here since I know many people here do business in Hilo or elsewhere.)

Do you own or work in a business which has 5 or more computers (networked or not)?

There are many important factors regarding IT systems which come into play as a company grows beyond this number of computers. These include accounting systems, file servers, software licensing, custom applications, backups, security, customer- and supply-side ordering systems, etc.


Best regards,
Glenn Wolf, CISSP
Wolf Computer Consulting
PO Box 1082
Pahoa, HI 96778
Cell: 808-557-4954

Edited by - glennoid on 08/15/2006 11:41:58

Edited by - glennoid on 08/15/2006 11:42:23

RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - John S. Rabi - 08-15-2006

Eight computers, networked.

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - jdirgo - 08-15-2006

Most of our agents have their own laptops with wireless connections to the network. We only have a few computers that stay in the office with wired connections.

I am the de facto tech support for our office. I'd love to have someone else that I could refer people to -- drop some of your cards by the office (you gave me one at the Makuu Market once, but I can't seem to find it).

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - glennoid - 08-16-2006

Thanks for the replies! Anyone else?

John, I will definitely stop by soon... where is the Island Trust office? I need to talk to you anyway about Hawaii County IT contacts...


RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - jdirgo - 08-16-2006

Right across from First Hawaiian Bank in downtown Pahoa (right where the turn into the natural food store is). Just call first so you can be sure I'm there.

I'm not a big help with the County IT contacts, but I can put you in touch with my old staff at Hilo Medical Center (which is State of Hawaii). They may be able to help you with the County contacts. They are still good friends, so use my name and they'll try to help you out.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - glennoid - 08-17-2006

Ah... HMC. For some reason I thought you used to be at the County, but that conversation was almost a year ago now. Anyway, I'll give you a ring and stop by sometime soon.


RE: Business Computer poll / discussion - Hotzcatz - 08-18-2006

Aloha Glen,

What does the CISSP after your name stand for?

We have more than five computers but only two users. How weird is that? The older computers are hardwired and wireless and now these wireless laptops seem to be wandering about. I think we are going to relocate several of these computers to the local high school, they are setting up some graphcis classes since they got a new younger art teacher and they can use them. We only need three computers and probably not even "need" those. Now, my main computer is dedicated to the plotter and if anyone touches that there will be trouble in mudville!

A hui hou,