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Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - Printable Version

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Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - mella l - 09-14-2006

F.D.A. Warns Against Spinach After E. Coli Cases
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Published: September 14, 2006
Filed at 9:06 p.m. ET

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F.D.A. Warning on Bagged Fresh Spinach (fda.gov)WASHINGTON (AP) -- An outbreak of E. coli in eight states has left at least one person dead and 50 others sick, federal health officials said Thursday in warning consumers nationwide not to eat bagged fresh spinach.

The entire article is on the NYTimes which is a subscription news paper. However the FDA has a warning on their site also.

Gene and I were sickened in March after eating bagged "Dole" pre washed lettuce of all things. We were deathly ill for an entire week.

Just be forwarned and wash the pre washed stuff, or maybe just stay away from it until these current cases are tracked down. Mella

mella l

PS FDA web link


Edited by - mella l on 09/14/2006 15:30:05

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - punafish - 09-14-2006

Mella, I appreciate the heads up. E. coli is serious business. I assume/hope no reports on e. coli from our farmers markets here?


"My baby, she run away with the garbage man...please come home to me darlin', my garbage can is overflowing." Muddy Waters

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - Rob L - 09-14-2006

You can actually read 90% of the New York Times on line without paying for a subscription. You can see the spinach stor4y at http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Tainted-Spinach.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

Also of interest is a story that airline travel is speeding the spread of flu. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/12/health/12flu.html?ref=health

Rob L

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - nanasohana - 09-14-2006

After my episode 6 weeks ago, I am very cautious and wash produce carefully. Never found out what made me sick but my liver is still not over it.

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - HADave - 09-14-2006

A great little home remedy for liver cleansing is Hot Water, Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper.... Squeeze 1/4 of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water and add a small dash of cayanne pepper. Stir together and drink upon rising..

Liver friendly foods include: beets, artichokes, peas, parsnips, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash, yams,beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chives, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, okra, onion and parsly.

Choose organically grown produce as often as possible to avoid pesticides and lighten your body's toxic load.

Aloha HADave

Great Truths about Growing Old;

When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while your down there!

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - Keith - 09-15-2006

eating organic is good for the enviroment just remember to wash it carfully. The highest % of people getting sick has come from people not washing organic fruits and veges. Think about the growing mediums.


RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - nanasohana - 09-15-2006

Thanks HADave for that information!

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - Keith - 09-15-2006

A guy I know did some breeding and came up with the most disease resistant strain of broccoli ever, no plant disease could touch it. He spliced in the genes for E. coli into the broccoli. Funny thing is that he wouldn't or couldn't eat it. He never trusted it. I never got commercialized


RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - Lucy - 09-15-2006

Hi Nancy,

Have you tried taking SAMe and milk thistle (silymarin)? You might want to run those by your Dr.

Just one of various sites on the net about it that seem to be deemed reliable and various medical studies are cited.


I hope that you are improving steadily all along and are able to heal your liver.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

RE: Caution for all Re: Bagged Spinach - nanasohana - 09-15-2006

Doctor went over ultrasound and all I have is fatty liver...very good news..just need to lose some weight! Lucy, yes, I am going to start taking milk thistle and I have ordered a book for liver health. Fatty liver is very common now and can lead to more serious things but can be corrected by losing weight with correct diet and exercise. It is estimated that 50% or more people now have it and especially if you are overweight. I am thankful for the wakeup call. I didn't really think about my live before or how important it is.