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Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - Printable Version

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Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - pslamont - 03-25-2010

When this board got hopping a few years ago, conversations were lively and full of questions, information, fun, etc.... We seem to have driveled down to he said/she said and arguments over minutia. Are we all so bored we have nothing else to talk about? In my not so humble opinion, we need to get out there and be active in our community so we have something of better substance to discuss. For years this has been a practical resource of information and humor. We came here to build houses and new lives. When did we stop? The homes got built, so now what? To me, the "what" is to continue the adventure. Get out and explore the island and make life interesting. Share THAT. I would love to see us all impose upon ourselves a "No Whining" policy.

Is it just time for another PunaWeb Party? Maybe a weekend campout or some other adventure? Development of a community garden? All get together to help out someone in need? Some kind of bonding activity to bring us back to center?

I have loved Punaweb for years. It has been a source of information, laughter and support for many parts of my own life and I think that of others as well. Everyone put on your thinking caps and find a way to bring us back together instead of finding ways to put a wedge between us.

You have all supported me tremendously in times of frustration as well as some of my crazy "projects" (Like the Thai house project) and for that I thank you. The dollars meant a lot but also just the friendship and support.

I am overtired and babbling a bit but I am asking each of you as a part of Punaweb to think before you post, make your posts count for some greater good and quit whining.

Okay, point made. Now my request: DO NOT make responses to this that are whiney, cutting tiny parts to argue about. PLEASE make responses that address a solution to bring us all back together for the common cause of starting this new life, enjoying this new life, being helpful and productive in this new life.

Thank You.

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - mella l - 03-25-2010

So the girl is on Cali time! LOL

This is a grand idea and since I'm up I'll share a recent adventure on the Kona side. It was a fascinating 2 hours very interesting. Don't miss it if you can help it. The fee was $35.00 and the presentation was well worth the cost of entrance.

The Seahorse Ranch http://www.seahorse.com/Ocean_Rider_Tours/

This is one of the magical creatures you will see! Did you know the male is the child bearer in this species? Cool that!

You will learn about all types of ecological strategies as well as care of the oceans, sea life and seahorses inparticular. There were several young people there who were thrilled about this tour. Hey it might even spark a new career path for someone, truly.

One suggestion go on a non boat day you will get more hands on time and more direct conversations with staff!!

mella l

NO really! I don't, want to read your blog!

eta -- Everyone who wanted to touch a seahorse was allowed to put their washed hands into a tank and have a seahorse latch on to a baby finger. It was very interesting as the little creatures wrap their tail around your finger and then they cramp down on it. Amazing strength for such a small creature.

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - Greg - 03-25-2010

Allow me to elaborate on your sweet hijack, mella. I was fortunate to set up next to the seahorse people at a craft show in Kona a couple of years ago (saved $35[Smile]).

The Lio Kai they breed are much more hardy than the smaller, more elusive, native Hawaiian species. As such, the company is prohibited from selling them locally and must ship them to the mainland. I was also impressed by the variety of animals they had; and the fact that they could safely be transported and put in a temporary display was a testiment to their hardiness.

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - pslamont - 03-25-2010

Not a hijack at all.....I Love Mella's "don't talk about it... just DO it approach!

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - Ryan. - 03-25-2010

Thank you Pam, for encouraging us in a positive direction.

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - nanasohana - 03-25-2010

Pam, I too have noticed the strange change in postings and would hope this forum and particpants would return to the original form...a helpful, informative place to share new experiences, help each other, and further the community in a good way.

When we moved back to Oklahoma, I thought maybe I would become unconnected to Punaweb, but not so. I still come here everyday and and am still connected to this forum/friends and Puna.

I sure hope it can return to its original form without the sillyness.

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - canhle - 03-25-2010

glad you bring this up.

canh Le

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - Ryan. - 03-25-2010

Sometimes I wonder if it will take a three strikes and you're out policy. A moderator issues a warning when someone is clearly out of harmony (attacking, mean, rude). If an individual gets too many of these they find themselves not being able to log in anymore. At which point they go hang out at punaonline.com with the other individuals who want to live on "the wilder side."

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - mella l - 03-26-2010

Remember the charity event we were sky balling way back when? That was such a fun thread. Music, who, what, where, and how. Which Charity's to benefit and such. Perhaps some of us would be interested and we could do that again and help Craig do a Mt. View REVIVAL! Hey I'll save my miles!

mella l

NO really! I don't, want to read your blog!

RE: Resetting our Punaweb Pathway - critterlover - 03-26-2010

OMG! We live in one of the most enchanting places and each moment of each day here is its own unique adventure. From the walk down the street at dawn when the sky is every shade of purple and the sun's rays are artistically brushed behind the clouds, reflecting gold inside the droplets of water just hanging atop each blade of grass; to the drive up Hamakua through the blue spruce grove on a cloudy, misty, wintery day where the moisture has collected on top of the pine needles so profusely it transforms the blue spruce tree to post card vision of Christmas with silver dusting. Or, who hasn't enjoyed sitting at the ocean's edge at sun down while the reflection of the setting sun is like gold foil dancing or crinkling in the soft, slow lap of the waves to the shoreline. Who hasn't driven into town and had their eyes and whole being locked onto Mauna Kea's snow covered summit and felt awestruck at its mere presence.

I treasure memories we have filed in our mind of times of travel around this island with friends and family and have encountered extraordinary experiences. A few years back..we had visitors and were rounding a bend on red road and came upon a small collection of whales who were heading back out to sea. We saw them, got out of our cars and were 'oooooooooing' and 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhing' them and one of them came back and did some spouting, jumping out of the water, and when he tired of us departed with a rear end fin salute! Waving bye bye to us. We all stood there dumbfounded at what we'd just been privileged to encounter. When we go for a day without noticing the beauty we have a nice collections of memories that we can imbibe.

As a people, we cannot help but be affected, if superficially, by issues and others and sometimes it distracts us from the beauty that surrounds us. That is when our mind hits our pillow and works...at that time when we are hanging up all our mental clothes, stashing all our emotion coping tools, making sure our spiritual self is sound, that we lay our physical bodies down to recuperate and travel up into our minds to remember and be grateful for the manifold good that has visited us that day. Taking inventory of the places, things and people that have intersected with our lives and evaluating whether each intersection or interaction was the best; smiling at the 'I could have said this' as we amuse ourselves with latent wit. Then the cat reaches out with her claws and slaps at the fingers dangling over the edge of the bed because her day just began! The last beautiful moment before we slumber. Life is good.

“A penny saved is a government oversight.”