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I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - Printable Version

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I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - Beachboy - 04-04-2010

..lulu newspaper(Star -Bulletin):


So, federal agents from the West Coast needed to fly in to Maui & Oahu to explain the supposed "pitfalls" of having medical dispensaries in Hawaii! Are "F-ing" kidding me????

We were sooooo close, and now these local lawmakers become spineless in the process because they fear the DEA, or worst yet not getting re-elected. So the sick must suffer once again an evil fate of having many, many grey areas in our so called compassionate medical policies. Where is the frig'in justice?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - whalesong - 04-04-2010

Here are the current fines and time one would spend in jail, if one is arrested for possession.


RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - DanielP - 04-04-2010

The link above shows penalties for Non-medical offenses. We do need a law which addresses legal medical distribution first. Personal recreational use is another issue.


Ed, From the newspaper article, it sounds like they were not Feds, but local law enforcement from LA.

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - Bob Orts - 04-04-2010

There is a need to completely separate medical marijuana from recreation use. All to often, recreational use is the driving force or the corrupting force behind many so called medical marijuana initiatives that die because of potential abuse.

In order to advance the legitimate medical marijuana initiatives, those impacted have to take a strong stance against those who really are looking for get-around's for recreational use.

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - DanielP - 04-04-2010

http://www.safeaccessnow.org/ Addresses medical access

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - Menehune - 04-04-2010

Originally posted by Bob Orts

There is a need to completely separate medical marijuana from recreation use. All to often, recreational use is the driving force or the corrupting force behind many so called medical marijuana initiatives that die because of potential abuse.

In order to advance the legitimate medical marijuana initiatives, those impacted have to take a strong stance against those who really are looking for get-around's for recreational use.

Excellent - Mahalo!

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - DanielP - 04-05-2010

The more I think about this, the more outraged I get!

Quote from the newspaper article:

"Lawmakers backed off after law enforcement officials from Los Angeles held summits on Maui and Oahu telling local leaders their problems with California's medical marijuana law"

Who paid these guys to come and lobby against what Hawaii voters have asked for?

For those who really don't know, the medical efficacy of marijuana is real. There are thousands of people out there suffering needlessly. Have some compassion! Maybe if you were on chemo-therapy or had cancer you would understand.
This makes me sick and angry as hell!


RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - peregrine - 04-05-2010

I am someone who absolutely supports medical marijuana and I do not believe there should be any prohibition on personal growing and use even though I have no use for the plant whatsoever (except maybe industrial hemp,lol) so I think I have as unbiased a view of the situation here as possible. This is my observation and opinion: The most vocal and visible supporters of medical marijuana substantially undermine the credibility of the movement. It would be more genuine to lobby for reforms which would allow for recreational use while addressing legitimate concerns that come up whenever a mind/mood altering substance is involved than to hide behind a platform which exploits the very real needs of very sick people. In other words, tacking up hand painted signs advertising MM licenses and having a reputation for pretty much handing out licenses to anyone who wants one is NOT a good way to affect reform from within the law and win the support of law makers and law enforcement.

RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - DanielP - 04-05-2010


I understand your point, but this is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I am only addressing medical use.

There are people needlessly suffering and there are lobbyists out there telling us how inconvenient it is to have dispensaries. If law enforcement were really out doing their jobs, then they would be focusing on those that abuse the system rather than continually demonizing a valuable therapy.

Recreational use is a whole different issue.


RE: I awoke this morning seeing this first in Hono.. - peregrine - 04-05-2010

I agree. What I was saying, in effect, is that there are too many recreational users intentionally blurring the line between the two aspects, and the end result is that valuable therapy continues to be demonized.