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tighten your belts!!!!! - Printable Version

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tighten your belts!!!!! - Beachboy - 10-29-2006

get ready for a roller coaster ride if this article is accurate at all?


RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Jared I - 10-29-2006

Beachboy: If you keep posting things like that you will be branded a "Jonah" and throw you out of paradise. Weren't the boomers supposed to save this economy?


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RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Carolann R - 10-29-2006



"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Punamom - 10-29-2006

No worries Beachboy its the right wingers who are not allowed in paradise! (but I'm sure you already know that) as a matter of fact fox news is not even allowed to be broadcast here Wink

All the good work Clinton did to lower the deficit just blown away like that!(no pun)
Thats what happens when u put a gun happy freak hillbilly with a credit card in office.
Normally I would be shocked that the deficit did not even make the list of top 10 concerns but after the last 2 elections I've lost all faith in the American people having any intelligence.All they seem to care about are the sex lives of consenting adults.
I am sure no one even cares that America is the laughing stock of the entire world.
The only thing we can do now to save face is impeach bush and bring him up on war crimes and crimes against humanity for the Katrina thing.Imagine spending all that money to start a new gov. organization (homeland security) Just to have it revealed what a scam it really is, he just needed a reason to give more of "his buds" jobs!
Really after Bush was elected I just wanted to get out of america but that not being feasible at the time Hawaii sufficed and its amazing how much Hawaii does not seem to care about whats going on, on the mainland.
But of course its more amazing how short americans memory's are:




Well I guess the "majority" of americans made their bed and now our grandchildren can lie in it.

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - haoleboy - 10-29-2006

It didn't take long for this thread to deteriorate to a political rant. More aloha, please.


"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do."
~ ~ ~ Benjamin Franklin

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Punamom - 10-29-2006

If you cannot see that the topic is about a political article then I guess you must be one of the guys that voted for Bush so of course I would not expect you to see the forest through the trees.

How many more aloha's do you want?


RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - malolo - 10-29-2006

Thanks for posting that link, Beachboy.

My plan, if you don't mind, is to forward it to any and all of my friends and family, regardless of where they live, before next Tuesday's election.

(...and if there was any hope of securing Punamom's permission, I'd send along the bulk of her heartfelt reaction in my e-mails as well. Rant? Nahhh. Simply someone who cares. To my way of thinking she's a Really Astute National Treasure!.

Caring passionately about the world we pass on to future generations is in itself a commendable worthy-of-emulating form of aloha.

For those folks on the forum who are interested in such things and who'd like to bring about change:

US National Debt Clock

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Beachboy - 10-30-2006

I'm a liberal when it comes to social issues. Fiscally speaking i'm a conservative. Morally, I'm a progressive.

My concerns is about out deficit! If you have kids it should be your concern too! WE stand around as Bush borrows and keeps borrowing to fianace his crazy ass war. All the while this debt(deficit) is being put on the back of our children's children! I ask, is that fair?

Yes, I hate the "Dirt Farmer from Crawford"!!!!

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - Kahunascott - 10-30-2006

Go ahead and elect Hillary. She alread said that she feels that we should be taxed at a 50% rate.
You forgot to say Democrats TAX, TAX, TAX, TAX. BTW isn't the DJ over 12000?????
Don't know about you but but my 401K is smokin' hot.

RE: tighten your belts!!!!! - haoleboy - 10-30-2006

How many more aloha's do you want?

Don't you feel better now?

Can I get an AMEN now sista?

Aloha to all wingers!

"Without fools the rest of us could not succeed."
~ ~ ~ Mark Twain