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A really neat website - Printable Version

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A really neat website - Andrew - 10-29-2006

I found this website lately from the National Geographic:


It's a live webcam of a pond in Botswana Africa. It has streaming live video and sound.

Right now as I type this there is a herd of elephant at the watering hole. Also I have seen a bunch of other animals and birds.

Really cool site.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

RE: A really neat website - wyatt - 10-29-2006

Very cool.


RE: A really neat website - malolo - 10-30-2006

Andrew? Grrrr.
You've pissed me off royally here.

I've suddenly got the bug to travel.
...and I don't mean travel to work!

Beautiful beautiful site.
Thank you for sharing it.

I spent some time in Botswana a couple summers ago...a bit farther north than this particular spot...and it was magnificent. The wildlife, yes, of course, unreal. But the people, too. Wonderful, generous, beyond belief.

I wanna go back.

RE: A really neat website - Royall - 10-30-2006

Hey, Malolo... Whatch how you us that name! ;^)


What goes around comes around!

RE: A really neat website - Carolann R - 10-30-2006



"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

RE: A really neat website - Andrew - 10-30-2006

My sightings from today:

A large herd of elephants with several babies
A good sized crocodile
2 large monitor lizards
several bird species
A large group of gazelles
A jeep drove by (LOL)
A huge line of army ants
Several ostriches
a monkey

The time diference between Botswana and Hawaii is exactly 12 hours. There seems to be a lot of activity around the water hole in the morning (Our evening) - A good time for viewing.

The person operating the camera does a good job of mixing up the views. The camera even runs at night. The area is lit up.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Edited by - Andrew on 10/30/2006 20:04:35

RE: A really neat website - Jody - 10-30-2006

Thank you so much for recommending this site, Andrew. My boys and I were transfixed for at least half an hour earlier this evening. We watched elephants (a lot of them), gazelles, ostrich, baboons and a lone warthog. Amazing.


Edited by - Jody on 10/30/2006 20:12:35

RE: A really neat website - Fishboy - 10-31-2006

I have to also thank Andrew for passing this site along. I've circulated it to all the biologists in the Washington State Department of Transportation, and to the NMFS and USFWS offices in Olympia. It's just the coolest thing to watch all those animals, makes you think there could be hope for this planet.

Brian (Fishboy)