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Eggfruit - Printable Version

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Eggfruit - jerry - 05-09-2010

Anyone know where I can get an Eggfruit? Preferably grafted or air-layered.


Art and Orchids B&B

RE: Eggfruit - maud gonne - 05-09-2010

Jerry, Marv who sells trees, esp bananas, at Macuu Mkt, told me not too long ago he had egg fruit trees for sale - although not at the market.

RE: Eggfruit - lquade - 05-10-2010

trying to remember, i got mine at either plant it hawaii or royal palm enterprizes you could call them... oh garden exchange will find you about anything too!

RE: Eggfruit - csgray - 05-10-2010

We have 2 heavily bearing egg fruit trees here in HPP and if you wanted to either air layer a branch or graft a piece from the top onto one of the many seedlings we have popping up everywhere, you are more than welcome to all you want. The fruit is good and prolific, way more than we have been able to use, sell, or give away. Is the swap meet this weekend or next? You could just swing by after the meet and check out what we have, we live right around the corner.


RE: Eggfruit - csgray - 05-10-2010

oops, wrong Jerry. You're still welcome to try starts from our trees though.
