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Malaria in Hawaii - Printable Version

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Malaria in Hawaii - PaulW - 07-16-2010

I saw this online, will the horrors of geneic manipulation never cease?
"Malaria-proof mosquito engineered"

Which lead me to wonder why there is no malaria in Hawaii, at least not that I've heard about or can find any reference to. I thought maybe it had to do with lack of standing water, but avian malaria seems to have taken a hold. With a lot of traffic between here and Asia, wouldn't people malaria be expected to show up more often?

RE: Malaria in Hawaii - Carey - 07-16-2010

There is avian malaria present, but currently we do not have the anopheles mosquito that transmits human malaria... lets hope that is onw little bugger that does not make it here (although nothing is done to really keep it from coming...
Hawaii DOH factsheet on malaria with info on human malaria & anopheles: