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Mold - John S. Rabi - 12-19-2006

I noticed some mold on the exterior wall and the lanai ceiling on one side of my new house in LE. (I guess that side of the house doesn't get much sun.) I don't know much about mold removal and my wife wants to use Tilex, so I figured I better ask the experts here before she demolishes my house! Smile Any recommendation for an easy mold removal?

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

RE: Mold - .E. - 12-19-2006

Hello John:
I’m a painter in the Seattle area and deal with mold on a regular basis. All you need to do is use a garden sprayer,( the plastic type with a hand pump on top, about $20.00) and spray on a bleach and water mix. Go about 4 to 1 water to bleach to start, and the mold should disappear before your eyes. If needed, add more bleach. Once the mold disappears, ( about a minute or so), take a garden hose and rinse it off.
YES,it's that easy.
I should add the obvious, bleach WILL kill plants if they get too much of it, but WILL NOT discolor the paint.
You can also try a premixed chemical called 30 second cleaner, but the ingredients are about the same. Also, I prefer a pressure washer over a garden hose, but not every homeowner owns one.
And by the way, I've driven by your LE house, very nice.

RE: Mold - carrie w - 12-19-2006

Another easy way is to use plant fertilizer sprayer that you put on the hose, such as Miracle Gro. The sprayers for trees have more pressure and will reach higher. Fill sprayer with bleach, select dial for 50% mix, spray house. Stubborn mold may need a scrubbing with a soft car brush. Wait at least an hour before rinsing. Never use straight bleach, it's drys to quickly to kill the mold.

RE: Mold - jdirgo - 12-19-2006

Jomax and bleach combined (you can find Jomax at HPM) with water is a total mold and mildew killer. I've used it a number of times and it really does work.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

RE: Mold - John S. Rabi - 12-19-2006

A big Punatic Mahalo to everybody for the suggestions!

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

RE: Mold - radioguy - 12-20-2006

Don't get the mold in your lungs... you will become very sick and it can take months to recover.

RE: Mold - Jody - 12-20-2006

I second radioguy's comment- make sure you wear a protective mask. And you might want to repaint that area with paint that has mildewcide in it. John R., if you have any more questions please feel free to call my husband, Tim (Aloha Inspection Services @ 937-2222). He deals with mold regularly(inspecting and testing) and often just answers questions re mold cleaning/removal/prevention and might be able to offer advice not already mentioned.


Edited by - Jody on 12/20/2006 06:07:59

RE: Mold - John S. Rabi - 12-28-2006

Mahalo again for the suggestions everyone! The Jomax/Bleach/Water solution worked perfectly! No stains, no marks, and most importantly, no molds anymore!

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

RE: Mold - sansei - 12-29-2006

Just be careful what you mix with bleach. Cleaners sometimes use ammonia and if mixed with bleach will generate poisonous chlorine gas. I have poured ammonia and bleach down gopher holes to gas them in the past.