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Dog Beach? - Printable Version

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Dog Beach? - lavalinda - 05-07-2011

Aloha, any suggestions for a beach or safe hiking area for my dog and I? It seems most areas that I want to take him are off limits.
My dog is my best walking hiking partner!

We live in Mountain View[:X]

RE: Dog Beach? - DanielP - 05-07-2011

We often go out to Kaimu. Take your plastic baggie and water. If you go into Hilo and go down past Richardsons beach, all the way to the end the road turns to dirt; keep going to the very end. Park there and continue walking down the coastline. pretty uninhabbited except on weekends. Technically dogs not allowed, but we have never had any problems there.
Kona side there is a off leash dog beach on the South of Honakahou Harbor. Go early

RE: Dog Beach? - lavalinda - 05-07-2011

Thank you Daniel for the great ideas!!

RE: Dog Beach? - hrooster - 05-07-2011

Also Hakalau bay....it is maintained by the local residents, is not a county park, and as long as you clean up after yourself (and the dog), animals are welcome.


RE: Dog Beach? - tjackson - 05-07-2011

Technically Hakalau Bay is a County Park, as the land was donated to the County about 2 years ago. Parks and Rec doesn't maintain the park, but I do think that they empty the garbage cans and maintain the porta potties

RE: Dog Beach? - Carey - 05-07-2011

If your dog is good on hunt trails (or you don't mind keeping on lead)
Tree planting road ® off of Stainback
Many trails off of upper Saddle
along the coast of HPP

Although is is not allowed, even west (towards the Wailuku) of the Canoe sheds at bayfront beach (but always be there to clean up & patrol behavior