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Seeking physiotherapist - Printable Version

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Seeking physiotherapist - Dinamight - 12-20-2010

I'm looking for a good physiotherapist (Puna/Hilo), specializing in, or with an interest in sports physio. I seem to have hurt my leg running and it just won't get better!

Thank you.

RE: Seeking physiotherapist - dmbwest - 12-20-2010

Sorry, don't have any names for you ... but lots of experience with sore legs from cycling, running too much ..

Maybe I ( we ) can help ?


RE: Seeking physiotherapist - csgray - 12-20-2010

Big Island Physical Therapy do excellent work but plan for your appointment to take a long time because they are very thorough, well worth the time investment from my experience.


RE: Seeking physiotherapist - Dinamight - 12-20-2010

Thank you pog and Carol.

Well, I've been running for years, have done 2 marathons and have never had any pain except my knees would get a bit sore from over training and once a sore hamstring before a marathon but I had that all taken care of by a physio thereapist.

But this time....I was using a running machine this summer, as it was too hot to run outside where I was working, and I am wondering if I over did it and maybe got out of sink with the belt, putting stress on my leg somehow? I did start to get a bit of a twinge in my right knee. Then I got back to Hawaii, and did a few runs along the ocean, on lava, and one day I noticed my right knee, calf and ankle were swollen, and much bigger than the other leg. Over time, the pain sort of moved around from different areas around the kneecap and now it's at the back of my leg, upper calf area, which is swollen and it hurts if I stretch the muscle, and when I get up in the morning. This has been going on for about 2 months. I am not one to sit around so I don't know if I am just prolonging it by using it but funny thing is when I rest it all day it just seems to hurt more than when I work in the garden.

I don't mean to go on and on, but if any of this sounds familiar, I'd love to hear opinions! I have been putting off seeing anyone about it as I keep hoping it will go away but it doesn't seem to want to.

I haven't run for 2 months and I miss it!

RE: Seeking physiotherapist - csgray - 12-20-2010

Go see Harvelee Ah-Yo at Big Island PT, she was a PT who then also became a chiropractor, she uses a very well rounded approach using all aspects of her training and experience: massage, chiro, PT, ultrasound, even taping, on an as needed basis. She and her staff did a great job helping me recover from two different fractures: ankle and elbow. Both my hard core Ultimate Frisbee friends go to her, they swear she helps them hold the aging athlete process at bay. I have found that once I get a little out of position from some minor soft tissue thing it all snowballs with multiple symptoms until I address both the initial injury and the later misalignments.


RE: Seeking physiotherapist - Dinamight - 12-20-2010

Thanks Carol, I will call them. I don't want any chiropractory done tho' as I think it can be dangerous. But Harvelee sounds like a very well trained and experienced PT.

I think what you say makes perfect sense, a small thing has snowballed into a bigger thing. Probably too many years of running and I'm starting to wear down...

RE: Seeking physiotherapist - dmbwest - 12-20-2010

My .02,

Have you tried to get on the bike to work (stretch ) it out ?

IMO experience:

Lifelong runners never know when to give up and will literally run themselves into the ground : )

On/below knee cap is strain from too much loading without warming up or base miles.

Side of knee from over use / high reps.

Back of knee from stress / strain.

My gut feeling is the Treadmill did it to ya. IMHO, you were slightly ( but perfectly ) out of sync +++ the flat, even surface worked against you to cause the hotspot ... No ( terrestrial ) variety + being off a bit then the odd surface running jumpstarted the new flair up. Its moving around now as your body tries to deal with the strain and work it out.

Don't be afraid of rest and if you feel a twinge in the sides or front of your knee(s) you gotta take a couple days off + back off,,, letting pain be your guide. The back of knee you can probably work it out with stretching unlees you tweeked it jumping or something more tramatic.

IMHO, B-6 works miracles too ... 150mg per day max for 'athletes' ... Higher supposedly causes "reversible' nerve damage.
I have taken much higher and have had things magically go away but not recommending it ; )

Once you sort it out another great thing you can do is run stairs ... N O T stairmaster ... Find a long run of short stairs ... I know this sounds funny.

The short stairs will not have a bad effect on your knees as compared to the deep stairmaster motion. Hammer the stairs as much as your cardio can deal with it. If your knees hurt or 'twinge' during this, full stop. ... Idle down the stairs REAL slow to protect your kness. Know this will SHRED your quads which will probably be quivering after a few rounds ( another reason to hold the rail coming down ) and in even into the car for the ride home. Take a recovery day off, baby your knees and DO NOT do lunges or any deep knee bends no matter what anyone tells you. The strengthening / stablizing effect you will gain around your kness from all this after a week or two will have you feel like you are on the moon.
Cardio gonna be better too.


RE: Seeking physiotherapist - PaulW - 12-21-2010

No need for drugs or chiroquacktors, just rest.

RE: Seeking physiotherapist - Dinamight - 12-22-2010

Thanks pog, my leg feels better after reading your post! I'll fix the flat on my bike and go for a ride, bending the knee hurts going up and down stairs so I didn't think that would be a good idea, but I'll try it. Not sure where I can find some short stairs but I'll look. I also feel up to some longer walks now. It's funny but I worked with a gardener non-stop for 3 hours digging holes and replanting trees and the next day my leg felt fine so maybe all the rest was enough and now it is ready for some lighter exercise.

Thanks again for your advice, sounds like you are very familiar with runner's knees!

RE: Seeking physiotherapist - dmbwest - 12-22-2010


Email me if you want on properly setting up the bike too. Makes a big difference.

IMHO, if your knee pain is on the backside .. Give it a little while to be on the upside ( mend ) and then hit the stairs. Not gonna make it worse. Stretch out the backs of your legs first and make sure you are super hydrated. If its on the side or front, you gotta wait or go SUPER slow.

ONLY 'spin' on the bike .. resist the urge to 'push'. Not sure what kine pedals you have but try to turn the cranks over like you are wiping your feet on a door mat. Don't push down or pull up ... pull back once over the top. Your seat must be adjusted right to maximize this.
