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Shipping stuff from Oahu - Printable Version

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Shipping stuff from Oahu - PunaCat - 12-31-2006

I've got a question for y'all:

I have an overwhelming desire to head over to Oahu for a few days and do some shopping. C'mon now - I've got friends and family there, and free room and board is free room and board! Smile

Has anyone here actually gone over there, bought a bunch of stuff, and shipped it back to Hilo?


RE: Shipping stuff from Oahu - Beachboy - 01-02-2007

I think it's a great idea. Sometimes things can be had over there that you'd otherwise have to order through the Internet. But if it's basic stuff needed for the home, etc,etc., Oahu offers way more possibilties there....go for it!

RE: Shipping stuff from Oahu - Kapohocat - 01-03-2007

I shipped things back via a Young Bros "G-Van" - ran me about $175 at the time. The size was 6'x5'x7'. Took 4 days from drop off at the pier to arrival in Hilo.

RE: Shipping stuff from Oahu - PunaCat - 01-07-2007

Thanks for the info, Kapahocat! Is this something you have to call ahead to reserve?? Chinatown, here I come!


RE: Shipping stuff from Oahu - Hotzcatz - 01-08-2007

Aloha Cat,

We've shipped large items such as a woodstove over on a pallet via Young Brothers. I think the grand total on that was $25 or so. Deck cargo is really inexpensive and you don't have to use the whole G-van, either, you can just tuck your boxes in with some other folks stuff in a G-van. Young Brothers have this sort of thing available without you having to coordinate it.

A hui hou,