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Lost Border Colllie in Seaview - Printable Version

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Lost Border Colllie in Seaview - Mitzi M - 01-01-2011

My friend's very sweet dog, Charlie, freaked out from the firework noise and ran off late last night in the bottom part of Seaview. He is about 50#, longish black hair with some brown on his face and a little white on the chest and maybe legs. He has a collar with ID.

If you see him please post or email me - He has a huge fan club and we all really miss him.

RE: Lost Border Colllie in Seaview - birdmove - 01-01-2011

Sorry to hear that. We adopted two retired racing Greyhounds years ago, and one, named Blue, was just terrified from the 4th fireworks. She would go crawl under a cabinet and shake so hard, I swear you could hear her bones rattling.We did all kinds of things to try to help.Draped towels over the cabinet.Put a radio on under there to drown out the noise.We had to sedate her one yeart it was so bad.

I hope you friend finds their dog soon.

Jon in Puyallup, Wa.

RE: Lost Border Colllie in Seaview - csgray - 01-02-2011

According to a post on BIC Charlie returned last night.


RE: Lost Border Colllie in Seaview - Mitzi M - 01-02-2011

YES he did! Thank goodness the fuzzy guy is home safe. Thanks to all who kept and eye out for him.

I guess this post can be deleted?
A big Mahalo to all.