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Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Printable Version

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Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - kalama boy - 01-04-2011

csgray, sorry to see that you have resorted to name calling instead of possibly trying to answer my question. This is an honest question to an issue that could prove to be more than just a " glancing blow" to Hawaii.

My posts on the civil union thread were not ilogical to me, but it seems that different opinions than your own do not sit well with you anyway.

hawaiideborah asks "are you trying to bring up another controversial topic"..... no, this would be my first.

As I mentioned earlier, please do not respond if this is too controversial for you. I am looking for mature individuals that can handle differing opinions than their own to honestly and openly discuss an issue that will affect all of us in Hawaii and the country.

The controversial question that Rob removed and is, I guess, protecting you from, was: Will don'task/don't tell now become will ask and must tell? (Not realy that controversial is it)
I have heard talk (around military circles) that people who may have wanted to keep their sexual orientation private may now be forced to divulge it.

Mahalo for your thoughts on this.

RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Rob Tucker - 01-04-2011

kalama boy,

I retired the previous topic you posted because DADT, as a generic subject, has little to relate to Puna or Hawaii. If you can relate it locally in some rational way - then fine - please do so.

So I invite you to try again.... and also try to leave out the tit for tat stuff with Carol or Hawaiideborah.

I will retire this topic, as posted in a couple hours.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - kalama boy - 01-04-2011

Rob, mahalo for your reply.
I believe the question is relevant and rational because the outcome could have an effect on our Military and possibly our National Security, not to mention our pocketbooks. Is that rational enough to get a discussion going?

My tit for tat was only in reponse to their bullying comments regarding my honest question.


RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Rob Tucker - 01-04-2011

Well, Nope.

Punaweb has two basic rules. Keep it Hawaii/Puna and keep it civil. Occasionally it is hard to tell when those rules are violated. I decide.

The internet has hundreds, perhaps thousands, of sites where national debates and rants take place. They are there for that purpose. Puna has a very limited number of places that focus on local issues. Punaweb is one and I try to keep it as free of national partisan bickering as I can. We have enough of our own local bickering to sustain us.

As for what might be considered bullying from time to time..... my job here as moderator is very like being hall monitor at a middle school... hard to keep the kids in line 100% of the time but if hair pulling and biting starts up I have to intercede. In extreme cases someone might be suspended or rarely even expelled. I don't have time to spend on who said what to whom first, last or rightly or wrongly. If it gets out of control I will eventually notice and step in. Like a hall monitor my goal is to get everyone to class in one piece with minimal use of band aids.

Lastly, on another topic you asked me: "Was DADT relevant a few weeks ago when it was all over the news and people, even on Punaweb, were discussing it?"

My reply: As I recall DADT was brought up in another context related to the Hawaii Legislature's passage of a civil union bill which was subsequently vetoed by then Governor Lingle. Without the Hawaii context it doesn't fit on Punaweb.

Please try to avoid dragging subjects back and forth between topics. I will be removing the diversion from the other topic shortly.


Best wishes and Happy New Year to all Punawebbers

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - kalama boy - 01-04-2011

Mahalo Rob.

DADT was brought up and discussed as a stand alone topic after DADT was recently repealed.
As I said I don't see how the discussion concerning our Military, National Security and our tax dollars does not "keep it Hawaii", and the question was certainly asked in a civil manner.


RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Guest - 01-04-2011


RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Kapohocat - 01-04-2011

Kalama boy -

Try this - "how will DADT affect Pohakuloa and/or military installations/personnel in Hawaii?"

RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - kalama boy - 01-04-2011

Mahalo Kapohocat, now that seems relevant, rational, local and civil all at once.

As I mentioned the scuttlebutt around Military circles is that Military personnel will now be required to divulge their sexual orientation.

This could be a boon to our building trades as more housing and barracks may need to be constructed, along with retro-fitting of Coast Guard and Navy vessels. Of course the other outcome could be alot more tax dollars spent.


RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Greg - 01-04-2011

Most will agree that it makes no difference what religion our military people are (the ones at Pohakuloa). They have in the past however put their religion on their dog tags. If they didn't wish to declare a religion, they had the option of putting "NRP"(no religious preference) on their tags. I'm not sure of today's practice.

As it applies to sexual preference; The people at Pohakuloa could put; "NSP", or "NOYFB".

RE: Don't ask/don't tell (cause and effect) - Kapohocat - 01-04-2011

Originally posted by Greg... or "NOYFB".

LOL, Greg!!!!!

Wouldn't in Hawaiian pidgeon be NYBF ? "Nun ya business fuker fa'ker"?

(Sorry I had to edit to correct the spelling to "as seen on the sign on Kamaili Rd".)