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Carpet cleaning - Printable Version

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Carpet cleaning - eggiweg - 01-06-2007

So, the carpet in my house is kind of... well, gross looking. I will be having a few houseguests visit me in my HPP home over the next few months and I was hoping to get it cleaned up before they arrive. Has anyone here ever tried to use those hot water carpet cleaning machines that can be rented at grocery stores? Would I be absolutely crazy to try it? I'm worried that the carpet will never dry again, causing a huge mildew/mold situation. What do you think? Any other thoughts? Thanks!

RE: Carpet cleaning - JerryCarr - 01-06-2007

The Bear and I have used the carpet cleaners from KTA a couple of times with good results. Just be sure to vacuum out ALL the water. We go over the carpet with the vac one more time after we think the process is complete by mainland standards. No mildew, no mold. It also helps to wait for a relatively dry day and run all the fans afterward.


RE: Carpet cleaning - oink - 01-06-2007

Be conservative with the solution application. If you wet it too much it will wick those big spills that soaked all of the way through back to the top as it drys. So as it dries, the stain reappears. Otherwise you wil be reshampooing the spots numerous times until the old spill is finally gone. That's fine if you have the time to do multiple treatments. Also, a conscientious DIY job often has better results on a long neglected carpet than a pro job.

S. FL Islander to be

Edited by - oink on 01/06/2007 16:16:52

RE: Carpet cleaning - eggiweg - 01-07-2007

Thanks, guys... I'm going to try it. I'll let you know how it turns out! Smile