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Whales 2011 - Printable Version

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Whales 2011 - Tolleys - 02-27-2011

Anyone participate in the Feb 26th whale count on the BI? If you did, how were the whale count numbers? I did the Jan 26th in HPP and we saw one whale in four hours!

I live in HPP and this February whale activity seems very low compared to past years.

Any thoughts on the whales this year?



RE: Whales 2011 - macuu222 - 02-27-2011

The January whale count was hindered by light rain and low clouds that made seeing anything more than 300 yards out...almost impossible. I saw a couple whales yesterday around 4:30pm. But in general(so far)....I think the whale counts are down from last year

RE: Whales 2011 - csgray - 02-27-2011

We saw several off shore between Kaloli and Maku'u yesterday, the first I'd seen since January.


RE: Whales 2011 - anthonyf - 02-27-2011

Maybe I sould take note of the fact that even the whales don't want to come to Hawaii anymore.

RE: Whales 2011 - TomK - 02-27-2011

Susan - up until about two weeks ago the whales were very active around Kaloli Point, but at night. You could even hear them above the coquis. I certainly seemed to hear more this year than previously but during the day I didn't see very many. I've only heard one or two since then though.


RE: Whales 2011 - Royall - 02-27-2011

I envy you Tom! I've gone down to the end of Maku'u several time when the whales were around and have yet to hear them sing. Maybe it's time I take a tent down and just camp out a bit! That should get the neighbors talking!! LOL


RE: Whales 2011 - TomK - 02-27-2011

Royall - I hear them on the north side of Kaloli Point, they seem to like it there for some reason. As I said though, it's been quiet for the last couple of weeks so that might be it for the season here - mid-Jan to mid-Feb seems to be the time they are most active off HPP. Still, if things change I'll post something! Sorry you haven't had any luck although it's not the singing I hear, it's the breaching, fin slapping, spouting and the occasional very weird noise which is hard to describe, almost a mix between a roar and a moan. Used to freak me out for a year or two before I figured out what was making the noise!



RE: Whales 2011 - DanielP - 02-27-2011

We saw many off Kona and Kohala the last couple of days. Spotted probably ten, or more, but were only watching off and on. Heard one sing out of the water and several while diving. Most we have seen in any 2 day stretch in 6 years. Sweet.

RE: Whales 2011 - SandyS - 02-27-2011

No whales were spotted at the Kehena Point site for the official count yesterday and only one for the Jan. count. We have been hearing them down by Kehena most nights lately, sometimes loud enough to wake us up. We have seen many during the day down here but not every day. Last Friday afternoon we were watching them in Hilo Bay. They put on a great show for us. Several whales breaching, tail slapping and waving a fin at us over and over again. We were watching from Onekahakaha beach park.

RE: Whales 2011 - Tolleys - 02-28-2011

Thanks for the input!
