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HELCO electric rate structure - Printable Version

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HELCO electric rate structure - Rob Tucker - 03-22-2011

I have had some time on my hands and am browsing though 328 pages of Public Utility Commission documents concerning a proposed amendment to the Power Provider Agreement (PPA). I thought that the basis for individual billings for electricity might be of interest to someone. It may be that only Bob Orts and I find this stuff interesting.

General Service Demand

• Applicable to general light and/or power loads which exceed 5OOO kilowatthours per month or 25 kilowatts three times within a twelve-month period, and supplied through a single meter. Service will be delivered at secondary voltages as specified by the Company, except where the nature or location of the customer's load makes delivery at secondary voltage impractical, the Company may, at its option, deliver the service at a nominal primary voltage as specified by the Company. Service supplied at primary voltage shall be subject to the special terms and conditions set forth below.

Single phase service - per month $33.00
Three phase service - per month $56.00
DEMAND CHARGE: (To be added to Customer Charge)

All kW of billing demand - per kW $7.00

ENERGY CHARGE: (To be added to Customer and Demand Charges)
First 200 kWhr/month/kW of billing demand - per kWhr 16.4579
Next 200 kWhr/month/kW of billing demand - per kWhr 14.2407
Over 400 kWhr/month/kW of billing demand - per kWhr 13.2397

Energy Cost Adjustment Clause:

The energy cost adjustment provided in the Energy Cost
Adjustment Clause shall be added to the Customer, Demand, and Energy

Integrated Resource Planning Cost Recovery Provision:
The Integrated Resource Planning Cost Recovery Provision shall
be added to the Customer, Demand, and Energy Charges, and energy
cost adjustment.

The monthly minimum charge shall be the sum of the Customer and the Demand Charges. The Demand Charge shall be computed with the
above demand charge applied to the kilowatts of billing demand, but
not less than $175.00 per month. The kilowatts of billing demand
for the minimum charge calculation each month shall be the highest
of the maximum demand for such month, the greatest maximum demand
for the preceding eleven months, or 25 kw.
Determination of Demand:
The maximum demand for each month shall be the maximum average
load in kilowatts during any fifteen-minute period as indicated by a
demand meter. The kilowatts of billing demand for each month shall
be the highest of the maximum demand for such month, but not less
than 75% of the greatest maximum demand for the preceding eleven
months, nor less than 25 kilowatts.
Power FactorI
For customers with maximum measured demands in excess of 200
kilowatts per month for any one time within a twelve-month period,
the following power factor adjustment will apply to the above energy
and demand charges.
The above energy and demand charges are based upon an average
monthly power factor of 35%. For each 1% the average power factor
is above or below 85%, the energy and demand charges as computed
under the above rates will be decreased or increased, respectively,
by 0.10%.
The average monthly power factor will be determined from the
readings of a kWhr meter and kvarh meter, and will be computed to
the nearest whole percent and not exceeding 100% for the purpose of
computing the adjustment. The kvarh meter shall be ratcheted to
prevent reversal in the event the power factor is leading at any
Primary Supply Voltage Service:
Where, at the option of the Company, service is delivered and
metered at the primary supply line voltage of 2400 volts or more,
the energy and demand charges as computed under the above rates will
be decreased by 5.0%. When customers' transformers are adjacent to
the delivery point, the Corapany may permit the customer to be metered at a single point on the secondary side of his transformers
where such point is approved by the Company. When the energy is
metered on the secondary aide of the customers' transformers, the
above energy and demand charges will be decreased by 4%.

RE: HELCO electric rate structure - Royall - 03-22-2011



RE: HELCO electric rate structure - Seeb - 03-22-2011

It,s about commercial customers with primary voltage service ( above 600 volts ) I dont know the voltages here

RE: HELCO electric rate structure - KeaauRich - 03-22-2011

Rob, you need to get out more...