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Broken louver handle..... - Printable Version

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Broken louver handle..... - Kelena - 03-31-2011

...and broken guitar strings and bleeding fingers. No, not really -- that's a song by Lucinda Williams. Met her once. Love her. My louvers were a little tight if you know what I mean and I think you do. But I was always very careful when opening. Others don't know their strength. Now, I have a broken off handle on the louver. Vinyl. I am mystified about who to contact. The louvers are a non-standard color. Kinda creamy lookin'.

Thoughts? Time for a conservatorship?

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Carey - 03-31-2011

If you are talking about the Jalousie window (little glass panes) type louvers, HPM & Home depot both have some stock repair parts & have seen a couple of different handles (and the Keaau Ace often has a more limited selection of repair parts)

If it is the mini blind louvers.... does yours have a little metal loop before the plastic adjusting stick handle? if so, you may be able to unthread the stick handle & rethread a different stick handle....

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Kelena - 04-01-2011

It's the jalousie louver handle. Those mini-blind thingies tend to fly-off, too, but that is not my current problem.

These louvers are vinyl, cream-colored. I'll have my guy seem if he can match at HD.

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Carey - 04-01-2011

You may also want to call Alumside (just north of Walmart in Hilo - on Kukila), they may also have the handle...

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Kelena - 04-01-2011

Oh, thanks for that tip, Carey! I will check with them! Appreciate it!

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Kapohocat - 04-01-2011

Also try Terryl @ Cadowin. Cream colored are special order windows so he might have some spare parts.

RE: Broken louver handle..... - Kelena - 04-11-2011

And Cadowin it was. Very knowledgeable. local, good service. Thanks everyone.