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Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - Printable Version

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Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - senkahele - 04-22-2011


Senator Gil Kahele Launches New Website

Hilo, Hawaii – April 22nd, 2011 -- On April 26th 2011 at 6:00 pm, Hawai’i State Senator Gilbert Kahele will launch his new website, http://www.senatorkahele.com, which he hopes will allow him another means to communicate to and interact with the people of Senatorial District 2 on the Island of Hawai'i.

"Having been in session at the legislature over the last few months, I’ve found that social media is a valuable way to interact with and listen to the unique communities on the Island of Hawai’i and across our State”, says Kahele.“Although I prefer to see people face-to-face, it is my hope that this website will be another avenue to reach as many kama’aina as possible”


RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - Rob Tucker - 04-22-2011

Those of you who are not familiar with Senator Gil Kahele should get acquainted. Senator Kahele has been doing some good things for Puna since he has taken office.

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - Obie - 04-25-2011

Maybe you should email him and tell him to take the comma out of the link to the website.On Punaweb it is attached to the link and you get this message.

Firefox can't find the server at www.senatorkahele.com,.

See the comma after .com

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - senkahele - 04-26-2011

My #1 Priority in Puna: Highway 130

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - Rob Tucker - 04-27-2011

Welcome to Punaweb Senator Kahele,

I am pleased that our highway situation is your #1 priority and have enjoyed meeting with you and working with you on the Fuel Tax rRevenue proposals. Your support in the legislature has been critical.

As you know the highway is quite dangerous. There is a very well written account of an accident there on Big Island Chronicle which I invite you to read:


While we await the intended widening of the highway, which will take several years to complete, are there any short term improvements that can relieve some of the most serious risks?

There is also a simple concern in Pahoa regarding Highway 130. There is a Charter School along the highway and for five years we've been trying to get a crosswalk and school zone sign in place there. Really there has been no response from HDOT.

Mahalo for your time and attention.

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - macuu222 - 04-27-2011

Wow...I thought they were going to start construction of widening Highway 130 next month (The section from the Humane Society to Shower Dr.). According to the newspaper...the environmental impact assessment was already completed late last year. And construction was to begin sometime this spring. So now we are looking at least a couple more years before they even start?

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - senkahele - 04-27-2011


Mahalo for the link to the Anetta Lucero post on the Big Island Chronicle. I had not seen this.

With the legislature winding down getting our bills passed for District 2 is at the top of my list right now and getting HB1626 to the Governors desk is a top priority for myself, Rep. Hanohano and many others. Highway 130 is a top project of mine and one that I am going to pursue to the fullest extent as soon as this legislative session is over. Please see my reply to James Weatherford on the "politics" forum.

Again, I cannot emphasize enough, when accidents occur on HWY 130, forums like on the BI Chronicle are posted, anything please let me know. I don't reside in Puna and have probably been in Hilo 3 weeks total out of the last 4 months. I need concerned, involved citizens like yourself, James, and the many others in Puna to keep me informed of what is happening on a day to day basis. Too the best of my ability I will get you answers and will do whatever I can to fix Highway 130 and make it a safe State Highway so that what Anetta Lucero went through will not happen to someone else.


Sen Kahele

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - pslamont - 04-27-2011

What is your stance on cuts to charter school per pupil funding as proposed in House Bill 200, which will reduce per student funding in Hawai'i charter schools?

Charter schools are still public schools. Why students are funded at less than other schools is beyond me but to reduce it further? People use charter schools because they are able to provide a better educational platform and social environment for our kids. Our kids are still entitled to have their school supported. Please share your thoughts.

Pam Lamont

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - senkahele - 05-05-2011

In regards to charter schools..

RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - pslamont - 05-06-2011

Senator: nice web page but it does not answer the question.

What is your stance on cuts to charter school per pupil funding as proposed in House Bill 200, which will reduce per student funding in Hawai'i charter schools?

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"