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AM 940 - Printable Version

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AM 940 - Kelena - 02-08-2007

As Hattie McDaniel once said in Gone with the Wind, I'm a comin'....I don't know WHY I'm a comin', but Ise a comin'! And when I get there, the instant I get there I want to hear some old Hawaiian Music. Does AM 940 (which I access on the internet), reach Puna?

RE: AM 940 - Royall - 02-08-2007

Not that I know of.... KAPA FM is a great.


What goes around comes around!

RE: AM 940 - David M - 02-08-2007

KAPA has great Hawaiian music - might wan to try Skylark's show from 10-3 as she has some of the vintage stuff at times.


Ninole Resident

RE: AM 940 - holahan - 02-09-2007

aloha glen,

if you're listening via the internet, kauai radio has a great station that plays alot of old-school hawai'ian music. also, i believe there's a "steve's hawai'ian music" internet site as well...

enjoy the mele...
