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Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - Printable Version

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Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - silverpenny10 - 07-27-2011

Title: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying the Science & Uncovering the Lies

Presenter: Lynda Williams, Physics Educator and Peace Activist

When: Monday, August 8, 6-9 pm

Where: Kea'au Community Center located behind the Police Station and next to the Kea'au Family Clinic

Local Contact Person: Jim Albertini 966-7622

Email: ja@interpac.net www.malu-aina.org

Speaker Contact: Lynda Williams, lyndalovon@gmail.com, www.space4peace.org

Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying the Science & Uncovering the Lies

*Alpha * Beta * Gamma Radiation*
*Rads * Rems * Sieverts * Becquerel *
*Cesium-137 * Iodine-131 * Strontium-90*
*Depleted Uranium * Plutonium*
*Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation*
*Exposure vs Dose* Risk Models*
*Latent and Long Term Effects*
*Atomic Physics * Nuclear Fuel Cycle*
*Nuclear Power * Nuclear Weapons*
*Hiroshima * Nagasaki * Fukushima * Chernobyl*

In remembrance of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the
dozens of nuclear tests in the Pacific and in light of the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster and discovery of depleted uranium on O'ahu and Hawai'i island, learn to protect yourself from the effects of nuclear radiation and the lies perpetuated by the nuclear industry with the power of knowledge. Join physics educator and peace activist Lynda Williams in a friendly workshop covering basic atomic physics and the health effects of nuclear power and ionizing radiation. No prior scientific knowledge required. Free, accessible and welcome to all.

Lynda Williams is physics faculty at Santa Rosa Junior College in California and a
board member of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in
Space. A long time peace and anti-nuclear activist and educator, Lynda strives to
demystify science in order to enlighten and empower people.

Sponsored by: Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action and
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space www.space4peace.org

Jim Albertini

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O.Box AB

Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760

phone: 808-966-7622

email: JA@interpac.net

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - PaulW - 07-27-2011

Alas, I won't be able to make it. Could someone ask Ms Williams for me exactly how radioactive depleted uranium is?
Is it, for example, more radioactive than bananas?

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - hereonearth - 07-31-2011

I don't know everything there is to know about radiation hazards but I do know that depleted uranium is much more radiactive than a banana. was that supposed to be a joke? I was just reading somewhat belatedly about birth defects in Faulluja and it doesnt seem funny to me. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/30/faulluja-birth-defects-iraq

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - Obie - 08-01-2011

Actually bananas are more radioactive than DU.



RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - terracore - 08-01-2011

One of my favorite reads is about a teenager "The Radioactive Boy Scout" (yes, there is actually a merit badge for this) who attempted to build a breeder reactor with "off the shelf" parts in the shed outside his house. His homemade concoction may have put 40,000 people at risk of radiation exposure.


RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - PaulW - 08-01-2011

I wonder what else there is that you think you "know" about radiation?
Actually, uranium isn't very radioactive at all and when it's depleted (depleted of what? the radioactive parts!) then it's even less so.
As a matter of fact, depleted uranium is used as a shield against radiation!
Bananas are indeed more radioactive than depleted uranium. Strange but true.

Please, someone ask Ms Williams that question!

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - Bullwinkle - 08-01-2011

That begs the question "Can bananas be accelerated fast enough to pierce tanks and heavy armor?"

sorry couldn't pass this one up

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - Seeb - 08-01-2011

anything traveling at 5000fps is gona make a hole

Whats a " Physics Educator "
and whats "Against Nuclear Power in Space" About

RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - dmbwest - 08-01-2011

You guys are cracking me up ... ALL of you : )

Another dangerous bannana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZwtfQKo-DA


RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - StillHope - 08-01-2011

Originally posted by PaulW

Bananas are indeed more radioactive than depleted uranium. Strange but true.

Please, someone ask Ms Williams that question!

And you expect her to be unbiased?

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.