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HPP Road Maintenance Fee - Printable Version

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HPP Road Maintenance Fee - beejee - 08-04-2011

When is the HPP road maintenance fee due and is it for the coming year or the previous year? I can't seem to find anything on Google. Thanks in advance.

RE: HPP Road Maintenance Fee - macuu222 - 08-04-2011

It was due March 15th

RE: HPP Road Maintenance Fee - beejee - 08-04-2011

Reason I was asking was because I was reviewing my HUD documents prior to signing. Signing was scheduled for tomorrow morning 10AM. However, there are so many obvious errors and oversights I'm not touching this thing with a 10' pole. I'm not signing anything until next week. As such, I can call the HPPOA tomorrow and find out the answer to my query above. Thanks macuu222 for the date info.

RE: HPP Road Maintenance Fee - Kahunascott - 08-05-2011

Try the Web site www.hppoa.com