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Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - Printable Version

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Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - Chuysmom - 04-16-2012

No tsunami threat is expected. The earth is very active lately with large scale quakes...it's interesting to watch.





"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - TomK - 04-16-2012

That first link regarding the earthquake near Papua New Guinea says the quake occurred at a depth of 200 km. Surely that can't be correct?

Definitely interesting times when it comes to seismicity in that region though. Same with Chile which is a bigger threat to us but not quite as active with the really big earthquakes.


RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - TomK - 04-16-2012


This has it at 202 km depth. Wow. Didn't think the Earth's crust went down that far...


RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - Chuysmom - 04-16-2012

I also thought it was pretty deep. Another article also stated that depth. I check the live earthquakes map at quakes.globalincidentmap.com daily. I think it's fascinating.



"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - TomK - 04-16-2012

Just did a quick search and it seems that at plate boundries they can occur as deep as 750 km. I didn't know that. I guess you learn something every day.

http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/facts.php (bullet 27)


RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - missydog1 - 04-16-2012

Count me in, guys. [Smile]

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - Radiopeg - 04-17-2012

I thought about all the ice melting off parts of the world and making plates shift differently, hence more earthquakes. Darn, day late and a dollar short. I googled that thought and many have gone before me. So will we keep having more earthquakes as our climate changes? Am I glad to not be looking beyond the next 25 years? Probably.

Peace and long life

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - PaulW - 04-17-2012

Climate change does not cause earthquakes.

Strange how they seem to happen in groups, spread all over the world. Or does it just appear to be like that?

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - rbrgs - 04-17-2012

Climate change DOES cause earthquakes; as the icecaps melt, the crust shifts.

RE: Sizeable Earthquakes in Chile and PNG today - Kapohocat - 04-17-2012

Could just the shear weight of the ice if it melted be like letting up pressure? I couldnt not even begin to calculate what it would weigh as I do not know how deep the ice is, or how much ice weighs per cf? not a gal as it isnt liquid?

I heard that if there was a giant tsunami that pulled all the water out from under Oahu the buildings now there would make it collapse? Truth or urban legend?

Any way, we used to say in So cal that it was earthquake weather if it was hot and dry with just barely blowing Santa Ana's. The morning in oct 2006 definitely felt like earthquake weather. I told hubby that about 10 mins before it hit.

Kinda interesting what is going on but is it due to better social media and oh yah, measuring/research that we are just aware of it sooner?

But seriously, can someone call us if there is a tsunami coming after 9 PM or so but before 5:30 AM?