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Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - Printable Version

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Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - LeeE - 09-05-2011

I'm looking for a source for fresh seeds.

Lee Eisenstein

RE: Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - Kapohocat - 09-05-2011

I have quite a few. Email me and you can come and pick up as many as you can carry.

RE: Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - LeeE - 09-05-2011

Holy Moley Kapohocat!

I am in your debt. Will email you soon. I plan on producing worm castings, hopefully by Jan. Need any? Mahalo and talk with you soon.

Lee Eisenstein

RE: Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - Kapohocat - 09-11-2011

Just checking in to see if you needed them. My email may bounce from PW - but if you get an undeliverable my email should be in the msg.

RE: Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - csgray - 09-11-2011

If you will be selling worm casting at an affordable price I would love to buy some. We are experiencing the joys of farming on rocks and I need some good live organic materials like worm castings to get some stuff started.


RE: Red Lipstick Palm Seeds Sought - LeeE - 09-12-2011

csgray, Mahalo. I'll be starting out a bit small, but want to produce enough to sell. Will post here, when I get there. Mahalo!

Lee Eisenstein